Sunday, October 5, 2008

This blog predicts the future!

I am Karnac the magnificent or perhaps a pale imitation. Nevertheless I can predict the future. Don't believe me? I can prove it.

Go back and read my entry on September 27th, "what to expect as election nears." It was posted on this blogspot 9 days ago.


Have you read it by now? Are you impressed? Do you wonder about my uncanny ability to see into the gray mists of the future? Really, it is no great trick. Here is how I knew what would happen--very simple, my past experience with the Guffanti group. They run the same scams and make the same false accusations each election cycle; so it is easy to know what is coming next from them.

Maybe you read the previous blog, but do not realize which of my predictions came true. Well here are the two that have come true so far.

Prediction #1---I predicted that Patty Anderson would again steal the VTA apple logo and falsely claim on her campaign sides to be endorsed by the teachers. Today she did just that. See my previous post below this blog entry to read more about the Patty Anderson's Campaign Sign Deception.

Prediction #2--I also predicted that Guffanti would claim that we were taking his campaign signs, while it was actually our signs that would be disappearing.

(In fact in a previous campaign, our VTA president caught Jim Gibson (Guffanti's ideological twin on our VUSD board) and Reed Miller (prominent "christian" businessman in town and Guffanti ally) taking our down our campaign signs. They refused to give the signs back until she took out her cell phone camera and started taking their pictures. Then they grudgingly gave her back our campaign signs that they had stolen--a federal offense!)

Today Guffanti launched his every four year set of false accusations that we were taking his campaign signs. Just minutes ago, I received an email confirming that, yes indeed! he has accused us of taking his signs again. This will only be the beginning of his groundless charges. I am sure he will hold a press conference with the NCTimes in a few days and they will obligingly print his baseless accusations verbatim.

He loves to pretend he is a victim. I think it allows him to feel comfortable with his despicable and disreputable actions and attacks that he launches on hard working VUSD teachers and their pro-public education candidates. He also thinks this kind of "pity me, the bullies are picking on me" line will gain him sympathy and votes. Pathetic for a grown man, a doctor no less, to act this way.


That group of hardy souls was out at 4AM this morning putting up Jaka, Chunka, and Lilly campaign signs. Preliminary indications look like we have 3 times as many signs up today as the anti-public education folks. Of course that will not last. We know from experience that after they accuse us of taking their signs, it unleashes their pent up desire to steal our signs and wooden stakes.

We now mark our stakes and we will in the next few days find Guffanti signs on our stakes as we have in all previous elections.

As despicable as Guffanti and his group are, we must be the better people. Do not touch any of their signs. Do not straighten their signs. Stay away from their signs. The NCTimes editorial staff will use even the slightest excuse to write a blistering editorial accusing us of the most heinous offenses. Jim Trageser of the NCTimes editorial staff has already publicly accused us of being in a "nationwide conspiracy against Christians." Trageser is actually one of the more rational members of the NCTimes editorial staff. Give the NCTimes editors no opportunity to lie about us. STAY WELL AWAY FROM "THEIR" SIGNS!!

Guffanti knows as all of us know, who have been at this game for years, that strong wing often blows down signs especially when the ground is bone dry and hard after a long, hot summer. The dry ground is very difficult for a wooden stake to penetrate. The stakes break if one tries too hard or they will not go in very far and fall over with the slightest wind. Also the signs blow off the stakes if they are only attached with staples and not screws. The lonely stake is left naked. In the past stakes with no signs on them were used by which ever campaign came upon them--city council, mayor, judge etc. This time do not go near these empty stakes. Do not use them. Use only the stakes we have purchased and marked.

For Guffanti every down sign is a conspiracy and not an act of nature. Guffanti loves conspiracies.

If you see a VTA marked wooden stake with a Guffanti, Anderson, or Fernandez campaign sign take a picture of it without touching. Submit your picture to this blog and I will post it.

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