Friday, October 10, 2008

Guffanti/Anderson bloggers Potent Prevaricators


Today the Anti public education group responded with outraged indignation that I had identified Patty Anderson as Patty A. Johnson author of anti-Prop O letters and anti-union letters also the wife of the notorious Stan Johnson who worked to defeat Prop O as hard as he could.

The North County Times identifies Stan Johnson as Patty Anderson's husband found at this URL

Here is my post identifying Patty Anderson as Patty A. Johnson:
fooled no more
[-] wrote on Oct 10, 2008 8:54 AM:Guffanti and Anderson both opposed Prop O that built our new VUSD schools.

Guffanti has opposed every VUSD school bond. We spent years with terribly overcrowded classrooms until the Prop O was passed.

To find the numerous letters to the editor that Patty Anderson wrote against Prop O do an advanced search of the nctimes archives under her alias (her married name)Patricia Johnson.

She also says she opposes all school bonds in an August 4, 2000 letter to the editor.

In an August 6, 2002 letter she complains that even though she opposed prop O she has to pay for it.


The Guffanti Anderson group responded with these posts:

To fooled no more
[-] wrote on Oct 10, 2008 10:58 AM:Where is your PROOF that Anderson opposed Prop O??? Do you have access to the voting records? Was she even involved in the VUSD election back then?

Where is your proof that her name is Johnson? Do you have a copy of her marriage record?

(vistaschools blog editor note--see nctimes article here identifying Stan Johnson as her husband:

I happen to know from my personal relationship with her that she is, and has always been, Anderson, and NEVER been Johnson. So, you are attempting to associate her with someone she is not!
Why do you have to continue to lie about her? Is she really that much of a threat to your control of the $200 Million Budget? Control of the education? Control of the People of VUSD?

Nice try, but you need to get your FACTS straight and use know who you are talking about.

Next they posted this one:
To Fooled no more
[-] wrote on Oct 10, 2008 11:06 AM:Who are you fooling with your false claims and accusations? You have so much hatred for your opponent that you have to lie about people's names and associations. How are we to trust you with our children if this is the sort of person you are when running a campaign?

Next post from "them," This is the best of their non-denial denials. Notice this person does not say she is not Patty Johnson. This poster knows she is Patty Johnson of the extremist letters but he tries to confuse the issue and demands I come up with proof.

To Fooled no more
[-] wrote on Oct 10, 2008 11:26 AM:I just did a quick check and found no less than 20 Patty, Patti, Patricia, and, P. Johnsons who currently live in the VUSD area. Can you show proof which of these was the submitter of the Letters to the Editor in 2000 and 2002?

The same search only shows a few Patty, Patti, Patricia, and P. Andersons. Also, I know these searches don't show everyone as some people remain unlisted.

Better come up with better PROOF than this set of disconnected and unsubstantiated claims.

Next a person posted as Patty herself. Would she lie on line?

[-] wrote on Oct 10, 2008 11:46 AM:To Fooled no more.

I wrote those letters and I'm NOT Anderson! I'm also NOT running for School Board!
Finally, I still say the money was wasted!

vistaschools blog editor's note:I tried to respond on three occasions the North County Times Blog editor refused to post the following: Quick quiz--see if you can figure out why the Blog editor refused to publish it.

If I am wrong about Patty Anderson being the same person as Patty A. Johnson,
then I apologize to both.

However I do know the following:

(1) A very credible source insisted to me that they were one in the same. (vistaschools blog editor note: My source has seen the extremist Stan Johnson speak at vusd board meetings and then seen a picture of the same man identified as Patty Anderson's husband Stan on Patty's VERY own Palomar College website)

(2)Stan Johnson and Patricia A. Johnson were vocal opponents of Prop. O, our
VUSD school bond that allowed us to finally build schools when it passed.
Several letters to the editor in January and February 2002 attest to the fact
that they both opposed Prop O.

(3)In 2006 Stan Johnson posted an appeal on a conservative web site for funds to
help Patty Anderson (but NOT Jim Gibson--her then running mate) get elected to
VUSD School Board in her first candidacy.

(4) I can infer that Stan Johnson, a man of VERY strong convictions, would not
support a candidate for VUSD school board that did not share his distain for
Prop O.

(5) I can infer from his request for funds for her and no one else that there is
some kind of relationship between the two--neighbors, church friends, social
friends, but not necessarily spouses.

(6)According to Patty Anderson's websites at CSUSM and Palomar, her husband's
name is Stan.

(7) With the vehement denials on this blog today insisting that Patty Anderson
and Patty A. Johnson are not the same person, and with a blogger claiming to be
Patty Johnson and not Patty Anderson, I can no longer say with certainty that
they are the same person.

When my source gets back to me, I will re-post either with a full apology or with evidence that they are the same person.
vistaschoolsblog editor note: Did any of you figure out what was objectionable in that post? Why it could not be posted by the nctimes blog censor? No? Me either.

Here is the next post attempt on the subject after I was emailed the article which identified Stan Johnson as Patty Anderson's husband.

Stan Johnson is identified as Patty Anderson's husband in a NCTimes article dated November 7, 2006--

Stan Johnson and Patty A. Johnson wrote numerous letters to the editor opposing Prop O and school bonds in general.

Is Patty Anderson denying that she has written numerous letters to the nctimes under the nom de plume of Patty A. Johnson? No, I did not think so.

Do you honestly not know or are you folks running a scam?

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