Sunday, October 19, 2008

Outrageous Quotes from Guffanti's Group

Did you ever wonder what the enemies of public education are saying about you? What do they think of school teachers in VUSD? What can we expect if the “ANTI” folks take over on election day.

All of the following quotes are taken from the folks that support Guffanti, Anderson and Fernandez or from their own writing. Read the quotes and see if you want them to control your future. If not, volunteer now to help stop the ANTI takeover of our district.

All “they” need is three votes, up from the two they have now. Three votes give them control of your future income and working conditions. It will allow them to decide your pay, your benefits, the kind of job security you will have and the kind of fiscal security your family will have. The quotes below are all EXACT QUOTES; misspellings and poor grammar were left in place. All quotes have been published in the North County Times articles, editorials or comments following articles and editorials. All comments have been made since the last election in 2006.

To see where and when they were said go to and read the post entitled, “What do “they” say about VUSD teachers?” posted on October 9, 2008.

(1) Fire “"old" guard teachers in the union!”
(2) union protecting teachers that no longer do the job they are getting paid to do
(3) old teachers that are scared to death Dr. Bales and the Board will find a way to hold you accountable!
(4) you really do not have a defense for the poor performance of the VUSD "OLD" teachers or the administrators
(5) Guffanti says, “this district has been run into the ground by these unions”
(6) Looks like DR.Guffnati (sic) and DR.Bales are making some employees and there union work for a living.
(7) The teachers failed the majority of students in this district for years.
(8) teachers DO want the students to fail because then they can say "I told you so".
(9) NCTimes editors say, “Turnover at the district may be a good thing”
(10) They (teachers) don't care that their current method fails 60% of the students.
(11) Under Dr. Cowels (SIC) no one was held accountable for their (sic) job.
(12) teachers were cheating on state testing.
(13) Remember the years of teachers cheating? Teachers had to cheat to get thier (SIC) scores up.
(14) the VTA/CTA has continued on its dead-end course toward the total destruction of the Public School system in Vista and CA.
(15) hundreds of tenure (sic) VUSD teachers should retire.
(16) They have been there TOO LONG and have a proven track record that they cannot teach.
(17) get rid of these lazy teachers that have been entrenched and are hindering our kids
(18) change the hiring process but ONLY AFTER these incompetent teachers are gone!
(19) If we can deport all the illegal aliens and their anchor babies not only can we teach our children in English, our classrooms won't be crowded and we won't have to build any more schools.
(21) educrats have been running these schools for their own benefit, and not to the benefit of students.
(22) Teachers send their own children to private schools (Note: This canard is from an anti-teacher think tank. The statistic has long been discredited because the think tank selected teachers with pre-school age children to survey and then counted enrollment in PRE-school as enrollment in a private school. It was a supposed to be a nationwide survey and had nothing to do with Vista, but it is often repeated on anti-teacher websites. One of Guffanti’s Gang now says its true of VUSD teachers.)
(23) VTA is more about personal power and profit (whose? Who has ever gotten rich as a VTA rep. or member of the Executive board)
(24) corrupted by the power of the attack dogs that have run this District into the ground
(25) the few teachers left who care about real education, are going to retire very soon, and then it will be too late for your children
(26) miserable education they receive here at VUSD

Volunteer today. Call the VTA at 760-758-2690 and ask to help. Come visit the VTA office after your 7 1/2 hour work day to stuff “mailers” and “walk and drop” bags. VTA is located at 1717East Vista Way, Vista CA

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