Thursday, October 16, 2008

Guffanti group disrespects VUSD parents--forum no show

Last night Guffanti's group refused to show up to answer questions from the parents of our VUSD students at a community forum hosted by the League of Women Voters. This is the largest and last forum for VUSD school board. It was held at Vista Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, our magnet K-8 school. The very same school that Guffanti said he wanted his daughter to attend in December of 2000. In fact he said in a NCTimes article that he had put his daughter on the VAPA waiting list. Read it here:

Now VAPA is too scary for him and his fellow travelers Patty Anderson and Eileen Fernandez?

What colossal disrespect to the parents who had shown up to ask them questions.

Who does Guffanti's troika think they will be representing if they are elected? If parents of VUSD school children are not their constituents, then who is? Perhaps the tens of thousands of dollars that pour into Guffanti's campaign chest from outside our district explain why he is not interested in the problems and concerns of parents inside our district. He only cares about the agenda of the outside interest that finance his campaign.

Patty Anderson whined that she "did not want to put herself in harm's way".
In harms' way? Does she think VAPA is Iraq? Who is going to harm her at VAPA? What kind of timid little mouse is she? Oh that's right, the kind that writes letters to the editor under a different name than the one she uses to run for political office--one whose wild written ramblings and paranoia must be kept carefully hidden from the public until she is elected. (see nctimes letters archives under the names Patricia, Patty, and Pat Johnson--her married name. Read her husband Stan Johnson's letters as well--real eye openers!).

Anderson also sniffled that she had "been harassed" at a previous forum. Harassed? What is her definition of harassed? Is it when somebody asks her if she would support fact based and accurate science, history and sex ed? Or is it when somebody asks her why she is running for the board of a district that does not have a single school good enough for her daughter to attend? Or why she doesn't run for the school board of her daughter's school? Is that "harassment"? or real questions that Anderson ought to be asked? How can she be run for political office if she is afraid of the public?

We know that the tactic of refusing to answer pertinent questions and refusing to show up for forums has been a stable tactic of the ANTI- public education group in the past. Here we see it again. This is why the ANTIs are called stealth candidates. They wait until after the election to reveal their true agenda--destruction of all government schools, creationism, faith (instead of FACT) based science and history curriculum, and absence of information in sex ed classes. As Rob Walters one of their past candidates for school board said, "Information once given can never be taken back."

Weird that candidates for a PUBLIC school district do not believe in giving information to our public school children. Of course this disrespectful and paranoid group(Guffanti, Anderson, and Fernandez) now running for VUSD board on the ANTI public education slate are even afraid to give information to our VUSD parents before the election, so no surprise they deny our children information when elected.

How much more information will be restricted from our VUSD children after (if) they take office? Let's not find out.

I still cannot get over their dismissive attitude toward the parents of the district.

CHUTZPAH!! At the last minute they rudely refused to attend the LARGEST school board forum and then made lame transparent excuses for their rude disdain of our VUSD parents.

They think they can still be elected even though they snub their noses at our VUSD parents. They think with tens of thousands of outside dollars and a Robo phone they can persuade enough uniformed voters to allow them to gain control over our district again as they did in 1992. Will we let them? I say no!

Volunteer today for the Pro Public Education phone bank at the VTA office 760-758-2690 or email at

Do not forget the massive public demonstrations for the PRO-Public Education candidates Elizabeth Jaka, Angela Chunka and Steve Lilly this Friday between 4:30 and 6:00PM at
(1)Emerald DR. @ W. Vista Way
(2)College Blvd. @ Oceanside Blvd.
Newspapers Reporters and Photographers will be there. Get you picture in the newspaper supporting PUBLIC education in VUSD.

Also this Saturday October 18, 2008 at 9:00AM at the VTA office a Precinct Walk will be organized, please plan on attending. VTA office is located upstairs in Suite 203 at 1717 E. Vista Way, Vista CA. It is in a two story office building with a parking lot in front.

Precinct Walks are great morning exercise. They are also called walk and drops as the precinct walkers leave (drop) campaign literature on the door knobs of target registered VUSD voters.

Easy and Fun. See you there!

and then go into the community and talk about the importance of the election. Chris Grainger is in charge of the Precinct walks and will get you on your way quickly and efficiently.

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