Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tacky, Tacky, Tacky, sounds like Guffanti


Did you ever have a party and have uninvited guests show up. You really did not want them but you did not want to be rude. Mistakenly you let them in and then they returned your nice gesture with obnoxious and rude behavior? Something very similar to that happened at the VUSD Arts Festival this morning (Saturday, October 25th).

Today VUSD had a beautiful celebration called the VUSD Arts Festival. This festival to showcase the talents of our VUSD children was held today at the Vista Village Shopping Center. Our amazing and talented children showed off their art work, musical abilities, preformed brief dramatic scenes, demonstrated group drumming, and singing. It was as always a wonderful annual event. Our children seemed so proud of themselves and so excited. It has always been a politics-free zone.


All of us involved in local politics (school board, water district, city council) have in the past realized that this day is for our kids, to showcase their talents. Even the ANTI-public education folks, who generally place no limits on themselves, have in the past respected this politics-free zone, but not today.


Of course others have been tempted, we even had some of our more enthusiastic PRO-public ed. folks bringing up the idea to leadership that PRO public education literature should be available to parents at the Arts Festival. The leadership of the PRO-public education groups including the VTA-PAC gently reminded our more zealous friends that the event was for the children, not for us. No matter how much better off our children would be with PRO-public education candidates, we could not justify handing out literature at the children’s Arts Festival. We would not be party crashers.


Guffanti as we know does not respect rules or traditions. He repeatedly has violated district and state laws and regulations regarding the separation of public resources (ie those of the VUSD) from politics. He routinely uses VUSD district email to send ANTI-public education tirades and asks for campaign support for himself and the other two ANTI school board candidates. He has inappropriately reproduced OFFICIAL district correspondences with his campaign literature on the back. He has gone on school campuses during school hours and passed out his literature. For all of these reasons many in our community now refer to him by his new nickname, “no rules for me” Guffanti.

It should come as no surprise that he decided to break the Arts Festival non-political tradition and to intrude on the joy of our children at an OFFICIAL VUSD event. I guess he forgot it was supposed to be a day to celebrate our children. I guess he also forgot it was an OFFICIAL event of a non-partisan PUBLIC institution. Oh that Guffanti, he is so forgetful when forgetting benefits himself.


Wandering among the crowds of happy smiling children and proud parents were seen his dark minions furtively passing out Guffant, Anderson, Fernandez ANTI public education campaign literature. How rude to put his crass political ambitions above our children. To see the pinched faces of his tiny group of “nasties” slithering through the crowds was bad enough. His mindless minions were also accosting parents and children and practically forcing them to take Guffanti’s false political propaganda. Most of our good parents simply dropped his ANTI public education trash into the nearest trash cans where it belonged. Others refused to touch it and it fell to the ground as litter.

NOTE: The two ANTI education candidates seen trying to give away ANTI education campaign literature were Guffanti himself (spent the whole day there), and Eileen Fernandez. I wonder what happened to Patty?

Trash and litter is what party crasher Guffanti and his group contributed to the VUSD Arts Festival today.

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