Friday, October 24, 2008

Huge Rally Success Today!

Fifty-five pro public education heroes showed up today at one of our two rallies for Pro public education candidates JAKA, LILLY, and CHUNKA!!! Nearly as many showed up at our second rally location. Tired and exhausted teachers and others after a long day and long week of work found energy to go out tonight and demonstrate for Public Education in VUSD. They are all Education Heroes. Good job all!

Remember there will be no rally next Friday as it is Halloween night.

Our last rally for public education will be Monday November 3rd . It will be the largest yet. We plan to rock our VUSD community with our enthusiasm. Be there or wish you were.

Rumors swirl that Guffanti is trying to imitate our tremendous rally success. Whatever we do he tries desperately to copy. He has organized two rallies for himself and the other ANTI education candidates. The first as you may recall from this blog was a fiasco—only two people (one related to him) showed up. But I am told he had a far more successful rally this week than the first. This week he apparently had five people. One of whom was said to be his fellow ANTI public education henchman on the VUSD board, Jim Gibson. Wow, Guffanti really can inspire people, can’t he?

Where does Guffanti find anybody at all that believes him? We should be impressed (or saddened) that he still finds four or five gullible souls left in Vista that swallow his malarkey.

Rumor has it that even the good, long suffering folks at his base of operations, North Coast Church, are tiring of his constant use of their congregation and church directory for his own personal political purposes rather than for church purposes. He is even getting blow back from members of the congregation. Guffanti has such a hard time getting along with people, especially those who know him best.

Phone banking is going well. We have finished all the lists of strong supporters of public education. We are now calling on the final phone lists which consist solely of those voters who never supported Pro-public education candidates in the past. Even on these lists we are finding votes for our candidates. Amazing! Guffanti’s actions and reputation are even turning around what used to be his strongest supporters.

Ten days until the election. Volunteer today! Show up tomorrow at 9AM at the VTA office 1717 East Vista Way for our Walk and Drop. It is great exercise. We go to specific areas of the city and drop off campaign literature at the front doors of potential swing voters. These voters can make the difference.

Remember we do not only want to beat Guffanti. We need a victory large enough to repudiate him and his tactics. Let’s send him off the board in a landslide!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Turnout Yes! Don't get too cocky yet though, remember that there will surely be some last minute dirty trick or accusation...Keep working hard to the end.