Monday, October 27, 2008

Guffanati Opens Door to Union Use of District Email

Guffanti may have opened the door to UNLIMITED use of the district email by the union. Yes indeed! The good guys may now be able to use the district email for any union activity.

Why? because "no rules for me" Guffanti, as our employer, has used the district email to try to bust our union. Not only has he put out his lies and political hit pieces for his own benefit over district email. Not only has he solicited money for his campaign using district email, the idiot has sent email through our district email to our membership telling them how to opt our of our union and our PAC contributions. THAT IS UNON BUSTING. Read the NLRB ruling about it online here:

Here is the key phrase from the report:

The National Labor Relations Board ruled in a split 2007 decision that employers can ban union solicitations on their e-mail systems. An employer "may lawfully bar employees' non-work-related use of its e-mail system, unless the (company) acts in a manner that discriminates" against union organizing and collective bargaining rights under the National Labor Relations Act, the NLRB ruled in a 3-2 decision.

In other words if Guffanti "discriminates against union organizing" or engages in union busting, we are no longer limited by this NLRB ruling!

At least that is what it sounds like to me. I will be checking with the CTA tomorrow morning. If I am right, I will be sending out a number of PRO-Education messages to our (my former) membership using district e-mail.

I wonder if we can use site teacher mail boxes as well?

I will post the CTA answer as soon as I get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for pursuing this! I am a teacher who continues to get Guffanti's e-mails in my District mail, and I AM SICK OF THEM! They are so demeaning and obsessive, and full of outright LIES! I know we need to continue to focus on the positive energy of our campaign, but I hate feeling trapped by Guffanti's use of the bully pulpit. THANK YOU AGAIN.