Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guffanti District Email open door? update

I just heard that the CTA lawyers are looking into his violation of the NCLB ruling. However preliminary thoughts say Guffanti is skating a very fine edge but it does not amount to union busting to just "inform" members how to get out of the union. Guffanti would argue that information is permissible as long as he does not threaten to fire teachers who join.

If he or other district administrators have advised new teachers not to join the union if they want to be re-hired for next year which may have happened, then he definitely would be in violation. Anybody who knows a first or second year hire, ask them if they were told this. If they were, encourage them to tell their story anonymously to the VTA at 758-2690.

He certainly has violated VUSD rules for using district email for political purposes. CTA lawyers are looking into the mis-use of email as well. If he is defeated the investigation will stop, if the worse happens and he is re-elected he will likely be given a slap on the wrist and told not to do use the email again. Of course no one expects Guffanti to abide by any ruling against him.

So sad. Unions have always had the right to use employer's mail boxes to communicate with membership until recent NLRB decisions made by Bush appointees took that right from us along with the right to use employer's email.

Votes have consequences. If an anti-labor forces control the US presidency, it can hurt us right here in Vista.

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