Friday, March 25, 2011

Why is Peter York, publisher of the North County Times so afraid of the truth?

Why is truth so scary for Peter York, the publisher of the North County Times? Twice now he has had his editorial staff lackeys write a blatantly false fact in an editorial. Twice.

What is that fact that Peter York is so afraid of? The fact that Governor Brown has NOT called for a tax extension and certainly has NOT called for a tax increase.

Brown has ASKED only for a VOTE of the PEOPLE on whether THE PEOPLE of the state want to cut all 26 billion in one year, the DOOMSDAY BUDGET, or to cut only half that much the difference made up by a LIMITED TIME tax extension of existing taxes.

Yet York has is editorial staff falsely write, “…the governor's call for $14 billion of tax extensions (or hikes, depending on which side is talking).”

This is the second editorial in which Peter York has falsely said that Jerry Brown is calling for a tax hike.

All Brown is asking for is A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. Why are Peter York and his Sacramento Republican friends so afraid of the concept of the people deciding, not politicians?

We, the people, should be given the choice between having mentally challenged on the streets in the DOOMSDAY BUDGET or in group homes under the tax extension. We, the people, should be able to decide whether we want our K-12 children in school for a full school year or have that year cut another four to five weeks in the 2011-2012 school “year” (in addition to the one week already lost this school “year.”)

And this is no “kabuki dance”. This will happen. The November ballot initiative idea is probably illegal under recently passed Prop 26. The initiative must get on the June ballot BEFORE the next fiscal year starts for the state on July 1st.

It takes four Sacramento Republican votes to get the issue on the June ballot giving the people the power to make the decision for ourselves. Every single Sacramento Republican has said "No, you people can't vote. We have a fidelity oath to Washington DC lobbyist Grover Norquist and his unlimited pot of campaign money that is more important than giving you the right to vote. We will decide the issue for you." And they are deciding. Without a vote, the only choice is an all cuts, DOOMSDAY BUDGET--with 26 billion in cuts all in one year.

If you want the right to vote on this issue, please contact our four local Sacramento Republicans today.

California Assembly
Martin Garrick (R) (760)929-7998
Nathan Fletcher (R) (858) 689-6290
Diane Harkey (R) (760) 757-8084

California Senate
Mark Wyland (R) (760) 931-2455

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