Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Governor Jerry Brown announced yesterday that he cannot find enough Republican votes in Sacramento to allow California taxpayers the right to vote to extend our current taxes in order to avoid the absolutely devastating DOOMSDAY BUDGET SCENARIO if we don't. Now there will be no vote in June on extending taxes. No vote. No vote. No vote. No choice. DOOMSDAY will be enacted.


Governor Brown has done everything possible to give Sacramento Republicans political cover to vote to allow, we, the people, to decide whether or not we want tax extensions and severe cuts or the DOOMSDAY BUDGET CUTS. Giving the people the right to decide has been endorsed by many CALIFORNIA business groups who in former times had substantial influence on our Sacramento Republicans, but no more. What Californias think or California business want is no longer the driving force in Sacramento politics.

Here is what the SFChronicle said about Jerry Brown’s successful work with our business community,

“With its support, the San Francisco Chamber joins the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, the Bay Area Council, the Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA), the California Association of Independent Business (CAIB), and the Central City Association of Los Angeles in supporting Brown's call for a special election. The governor has said it will allow California voters to weigh in on his proposal for $12 billion in budget cuts and five years of tax extensions to help erase the state's $26 billion in red ink.”

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/nov05election/detail?entry_id=84508#ixzz1G1Sw3oTU

Our CALIFORNIA business community no longer has much influence with Sacramento Republicans. They are now controlled by OUT OF STATE interests. Sacramento Republicans caved to the pressure of, international oil barons, the Koch brothers and their machine. The Koch brothers are among the top twenty wealthiest people in the world, but they are kooks. They do not believe in government. They have unlimited wealth to "convince" hired guns "opinion makers" on FOXnotNews and on the AM radio airwaves to propagate their tin foil hat conspiracy theories.

Read more about the Koch brothers attack on America and American values of truth honesty and fairness here:


Cuts limited to severe could only happen if a proposal for existing taxes to be extended were allowed on the June ballot and it passed. Sacramento Republicans say no, they will not even allow it on the June ballot. They have taken your right to vote away from you.

Thanks to the passage of Prop 26 last fall, all legal opinions obtained by the Governor have indicated that it now takes a 2/3rds majority of BOTH houses in Sacramento to put any measure on the ballot that would increase state revenues. Those legal opinions mean that four Republican votes are absolutely necessary to get to the two thirds majority in BOTH houses--the California State Assembly AND the California State Senate.


Every single Sacramento Republican has refused to give you the right to have that vote and to make that decision. No Republican dares vote his or her conscience which might be appalled at the cuts to school kids, the poor, the elderly and sick in the DOOMSDAY BUDGET.

The billionaire bullies, aka Koch brothers, financed OUT OF STATE, WASHINGTON lobbyist, Grover Norquist who heads Americans for Tax Reform. Norquist has threatened every Sacramento Republican. With the Koch brothers backing, Norquist has unlimited money to end the political career of any Sacramento Republican who votes to allow, YOU, the taxpayer to decide the fate of our neighbors who happen to be poor, sick, elderly or school kids. Because of Sacramento Republican cowardice the choice has been taken out of your hands. You will not be able to vote.

Without the vote, ONLY a DOOMSDAY BUDGET can be enacted. There is no alternative. Read more:

Hired gun Con man radio, particularly KFI Am 640 afternoon drive, John and Ken are the enforcers behind the drive to stop the vote. John and Ken want to keep their multi-million dollar a year contracts so they support the agenda of those who place ads during their radio "show".


John and Ken control the actions and votes of hundreds of thousands of CONfused folks who are given no other information except billionaire bully propaganda hour after hour day after day on John and Ken's radio show. Because several key Sacramento Republicans have districts located in the broadcast area of KFI, the broadcast distortions and deception of John and Ken have unique power in our state to stop Republicans with a conscience from giving you the right to vote.

Thanks to the Koch brothers money, John and Ken propaganda and Sacramento Republicans cowardice, the Doomsday budget cuts will be enacted.

Under the DOOMSDAY BUDGET every public school district and every public charter school will be reducing the 2011-2012 school year by an additional four to five weeks on top of the week lost this school year. This will result in an additional 15 to 18% pay cut for every employee of every school district in the state on top of the 6 to 7% cut they took this year.

The unions need to go to the source of power for the con men scam that will give us a doomsday budget--shut down the con men on AM radio. Blockade the radio station parking lots and front doors with protesters until we the majority are allowed on the air with the MAJORITY VIEW.

Today there is ONLY ONE viewpoint heard on our PUBLIC AIRWAYS. The view of the billionaire bullies who place the ads where only their view point is heard. The Koch brothers and other billionaire bullies are determined to eliminate all middle class wages and benefits by eliminating all unions. They have been remarkably successful in their thirty year scorched earth campaign against unions.

However, we, THE PEOPLE, own the PUBLIC airwaves. We must take them back. We must stop the lies. Let's take action today against the hired gun AM con men.

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