Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jim Gibson climbs on his high horse again

Jimmy is back!!! The North County Times has provided him space for our very own backwards land school board member, Jim Gibson, to spin his yarns again. This time in an opinion piece labeled, "FORUM: Vista Teachers Association should pay back students"

The Vista Teachers owe no money to Vista Unified School District. Nothing, nada, zilch. And Jim Gibson knows that. He is just grandstanding for political attention again.

Remember his Carrie Prejean Day?
Remember when he urged our district to support Prop 8 that had nothing to do with Vista Education?
Remember when he ran for Diane Harkey's state assembly seat? Or when he ran for Oceanside City Council?

Look at any article by the North County Times about Vista Unified in the last ten years, he has more than five times as many newspaper quotes as any other single VUSD trustee and almost twice as many as the other four combined. Why his he so determined to get his name in the paper?

The issue that Gibson is referring to today is a provision in the teacher's contract that was agreed to by our Vista Unified School District school board and nearly one hundred other large school districts school boards across our state--a release time president.

For VUSD, there was no additional cost to the district for agreeing to a release time president. With the president in the classroom or out of it, the payroll was the same. The only additional cost was the cost of the replacement teacher. The VTA paid MORE than that cost.

What Jim Gibson wants is for the VTA to subsidize VUSD for an additional amount. Every teacher in the district would have to pay a special tax. That is not fair. I am sure the courts will agree with me, what Gibson wants is not fair. It is not fair here or in any of the nearly hundred other California districts that have a similar agreement with their teacher's associations.

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