Friday, March 4, 2011

Support Wisconsin! Fight the Attack on Middle Class Jobs and Benefits

You can help the working men and women of America win a fight against billionaire bullies and the corporations they control and use to diminish our ability to make a living.


Contribute to the fight in Wisconsin.

We can stop the bullies. We can get our middle class wages and benefits back but first we must finally win a battle. It looks like we will lose to the bullies here in California. Doomsday cuts to our public schools are all but certain because the Republican bullies in Sacramento will not allow the voters a chance to vote to stop the Doomsday cuts.*

But the Wisconsin battle is being won. Let's help in that victory. Let's feel good that the billionaire bullies can at last be stopped in their decades long, relentless war on the middle class.

Go to this website to contribute:

*(Since it takes a 2/3rds majority in the State Senate AND in the State Assembly for the measure to go on the ballot, the tiny mean spirited Republican remnant left in the state legislature are stopping the people from voting on the cuts.

The Republicans have just barely over one third of the seats. Since no Republican ever goes against the wishes of his party bosses, the hired gun AM radio con men, all vote together as one on each and every important vote. With that lockstep in place, the Republican bullies have the votes to thwart the right of the electorate to be able to vote.

The deadline is still March 10th or no June ballot proposition to allow for tax extensions to stop the Doomsday Budget. It will take four Republican votes, so far there are none.

By the way the hired gun AM conmen who now give the marching orders to all elected Republicans have been given a monopoly of our public airwaves by billionaire bullies who target their advertisement dollars ONLY to those who say what the billionaire bullies want said.

No criticism of Rush Limbaugh is allowed on AM radio. Ever wonder why, when the most blatant lies and aspersions are launched by the tens of thousands daily at our president and at any politician who opposes the agenda of the billionaire bullies?

Listen to AM radio, see if you ever hear criticism either of Rush Limbaugh or of corporations that are bullying workers, taking away their rights or shipping jobs overseas. Now think why that is.

Do we really have a free press in this country anymore? Are all points of view allowed on our public airwaves? If not, why not? The answer is obvious.

Fight back, contribute to Wisconsin!

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