Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thanks Tania Bowman, Peter Principe, and Robert Bosak for three great letters to editor. GO UNIONS!

The following three fine letters to the editor were found in today's North County Times--the most anti union newspaper in our county. Congrats to all three brave defenders of unions and the American middle class.

Teachers aren't to blame for policies of administrators

When the auto industry was told to change its ways, they consequently resurfaced successfully. Although they got union concessions, it wasn't the line worker who needed to change — they simply built what they were told to build.

In the very same way, teachers should not be blamed for the decisions that administrators and school boards make. Teachers are the line workers in education, and for years, they have been told what and how to teach. If you want educational reform, hold those who have the power accountable for the decisions they make — the administrators and the school boards.

The issue is not the unions, the issue is: Who should you hold responsible for failing policies — the teachers who implement or the administrators and the boards who dictate those policies?

Tania Bowman

TV folks blasting unions also belong to them

So now union teachers are the reason for our country's economic woes. Seems like a year or so ago, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and gang were telling us union autoworkers were to blame for killing the American auto industry. Management shared none of the blame. Nope, according to Fox and others on the ignorant right, it was the fault of union autoworkers. Now it's the fault of union teachers.

Do members of the ignorant right know, when they watch/listen to O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter or others on conservative radio/TV, that they are listening to a happy union member (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)? The talking heads and the people who do their hair/makeup, operate cameras, control sound/lights, write scripts, build sets, brew coffee and clean Glenn Beck's chalkboard are all enjoying the benefits of belonging to a union.

So the message that conservative TV/radio wants us to know is that while belonging to a union is very good for them, it's very bad for the rest of us. More hypocrisy from the ingorant right.

So remember to look for the union label while listening to your favorite conservative talking head.

Peter Principe
San Marcos

Tired of union slamming

I'm so tired of hearing all this union slamming, and quite frankly, it's scary. I agree there is room for reform, but if you believe unions are no longer necessary, you are greatly mistaken.

Just look at corporate America's recent history, and it doesn't take a genius long to realize greed is their motivation. So if you believe that without union protection, corporate America will treat you fairly, you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

Without labor's collective bargaining ability, middle-class America would soon disappear. Wake up, America, before it's too late.

Robert Bosak
San Marcos


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