Saturday, March 5, 2011

DOOMSDAY BUDGET CUTS COMING, because Sacramento Republicans still say, "You can't vote."

An article in the North County times today details the massive cuts to Poway schools under the Governor's proposed budget which will take 6 million from Poway schools if and only if the tax extension proposition passes this June. However, that proposition still has not qualified; so we may not even have a chance to vote on this tax extension proposition that will limit the cuts in Poway to ONLY six million. Our local elected Republicans want cuts to Poway schools of 17 million!

Of course the Governor and rationals in the State Legislature don't want to make even these drastic six million dollar cuts required by the states income problem. However, it would take four Sacramento Republicans to agree to a tax hike of any kind for these 6 million dollar cuts not to be made. Sacramento elected Republicans have said, "No, no, no and Hell No!" to any revenue enhancements to the current state budget.

There are not even four who are willing to add a Sarah Palin gas extraction tax on the international oil companies who pay nothing to extract the limited resource that is our underground California oil. That one tax at the same rate that Sarah Palin signed into law as half term governor of Alaska would raise more than a billion dollars and prevent most education cuts.

Yet stopping that tax and all other taxes or revenue enhancements, is not enough for Sacramento Republican bullies. They are demanding the DOOMSDAY BUDGET which would cut nearly three times as much from local school districts--for Poway that is 17 million dollars instead of six million.

Here is the North County Times article:

The DOOMSDAY BUDGET cuts will be far higher than Governor Brown's proposed budget cuts because Sacramento Republicans are preventing the June initiative to extend our existing taxes for five more years.

Our local Sacramento Republicans don't want you to have the right to vote on whether or not you want the DOOMSDAY BUDGET CUTS (17 million dollars just for Poway) versus the drastic six million Poway will lose in Governor Brown's current budget proposal.

The Sacramento Republicans are afraid you will vote for the tax extensions in June that will stop the DOOMSDAY BUDGET, so they are denying you that right to vote.

If they allowed you to vote, the cuts might be only that 6 million from Poway schools, not good enough for the Sacramento Republicans. Fact based public education in Poway might survive cuts of only six million.

Because of our archaic 2/3rds majority rules in California, rationals have to get four Sacramento Republicans to allow us to have a vote. The evil Sacramento Republicans won't budge, not even one of them wants you to have that right to vote in June.

Governor Brown has offered them concessions like reduction in business tax and still NOT ONE Sacramento Republican will vote to allow you the right to decide. They don't think you are smart enough to decide for your selves.

Brown's concessions here:,0,221854.story

The deadline to put the measure on the ballot is this Wednesday, March 10th. If just four Republicans change their minds and allow a vote on or before that day, we get to decide. If not, they decide for us--the DOOMSDAY CUTS will be made--100s of thousands of teachers laid off(statewide), class sizes into the fifties, and the end of effective public school education in California.

If you think you deserve the right to a vote before these doomsday cuts have to be made, call all of the local elected Sacramento Republicans and tell them that they can’t take away your right to vote.

California Assembly
Martin Garrick (R) (760)929-7998
Nathan Fletcher (R) (858) 689-6290
Diane Harkey (R) (760) 757-8084

California Senate
Mark Wyland (R) (760) 931-2455 or

More info found here:

Educate our State is an organization founded and run by parents of public school children in our fine FACT based traditional public schools and public school charters.

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