Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jan O'Reilly was paid for doing no work--ANTIs charge

Here is the latest attack on our FACT based public schools in Vista by our ANTI public education friends:

The Sky Is Falling said on: March 9, 2011, 8:05 am
Oh con no more you know Jan O'Reilly was paid for not actually working and they most certainly owe the VUSB(sic) and the students a hefty amount of cash.

One wonders why thou protests so loudly?

In regards to that post by "The Sky Is Falling" on March 9, 2011 at 8:05 am:

Not only was the former VTA president paid for working, she had to turn in a time sheet to the district documenting her daily work schedule down to the minute. No time sheet, no pay.

You should also know that the VTA office where she worked was used on a number of occasion by the school district to conduct school district not VTA business. The VTA charged no fee to the district for this service. This service was of substantial benefit to the district as there are often no venues to meet available at the district office. So having access to the large room at the VTA office just down the street was extremely convenient for district administration. It saved money by not having to rent a room at an outside location--just one more service the VTA provided GRATIS for our school district.

By the way, at no time did Jan O'Reilly or any other VTA president work on political matters either during duty hours or after. All election and other political work was done by the Political Action Committee of which the president was not allowed to be a member by VTA bylaws.

The nature of most of the work of a VTA president is about trying to resolve contract disputes and employee discipline issues without costly legal proceeding, also saving the district money.

Of course a VTA president's work is not the issue here. The issue is Jim Gibson claim that the fine teachers of VUSD owe money to our school district. That claim is false. That claim is the issue, not the VTA president's work day.

Great ears you have if you can hear me protesting "so loudly" through the internet. By the way the Shakespeare quote you mangled is from Hamlet Act 3, Scene 2 "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

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