Thursday, March 10, 2011

The LIE at the center of the Wisconsin attack

Below is a quote form middle class champion, Erin Hill

"Last night, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) revealed the lie at the heart of his drive to ruin working families in Wisconsin. After insisting for weeks that union-busting was necessary to balance the state budget, Republicans in the legislature declared that it had no impact on the budget and passed the measure in a five minute meeting with no advance notice and no Democrats present.

Now we know what this struggle is really about: ruining Democrats. Working families are just collateral damage in Walker's power play."

Scott. Fitzgerald leader of the Wisconsin State Senate Republicans said with a grin on his face to FOXnotNews today that by succeeding in stripping union rights from state and local workers in Wisconsin means"Barack Obama will have a much harder time winning Wisconsin in the 2012 election."

That is what this is all about. It is a nationwide campaign funded by climate science deniers and union-hating billionaire bullies, Charles and David Koch to destroy any organized opposition to their goal of reducing worker wages and increasing profits for the filthy rich. Charles and David Koch are the FIFTH richest Americans but its not enough for them.

If you remain silent the Billionaire Bullies will win, please consider helping the Wisconsin heroes recall eight Wisconsin state senators.

The Billionaire Bullies Club has very powerful members in addition to the Koch brothers. Another is Rupert Murdoch who runs the anti middle class anti union FOXnotNews propaganda network. Fox, fooled you again, fake news has had a powerful impact on the uniformed in this country. We know from past experience that FOXnotNews"news" will lead every hour with blatantly false attacks on the Wisconsin recall attempts. We know that because they have run 24/7 lies about our brave Wisconsin heroes for the last four weeks.

Read a summary of FOX lies and see footage of palm trees supposedly in Wisconsin presented by FOXnotNews to twist the truth about our brave Wisconsin heroes. The FOX hired gun liars just make up stuff and present it as true to their CONfused viewers.

See a website financed by the billionaire bullies attacking Wisconsin teachers here:

With billionaire bullies opposed to the Great Wisconsin Recall and a nationwide propaganda machine opposed to them, our Wisconsin heroes need every single dollar we can contribute to them. Read more about the Recall and how to help here:

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