Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whoops, I got the deadline wrong. It's March 10th.

Whoops, sorry I got the deadline wrong. It's March 10th. That's four working days, seven calendar days.

Voters of California must get their four Sacramento Republican votes by March 10th or it will be too late to put the tax extension proposition on the June ballot.

Months ago when I first heard there was a time limit to get cooperation to allow a vote of the people, I could not conceive that every one of our Sacramento Republicans would refuse the people their right to vote. That every Republican would force doomsday budget cuts on our state's children on top of the billions already cut.

But here we are. Days away and the moral monstrosity that has become the Sacramento Republican Party members will joyfully go through with the utter devastation and destruction of K-12 California education.

So much for any hope of a bright future for our state.

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