Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today is the DEADLINE for DOOMSDAY. No four Republican votes, DOOMSDAY comes.

Today is the last day to qualify the initiative allowing a vote of the people in June on whether they want a tax extension or the DOOMSDAY BUDGET.

AT least four Sacramento Republican votes are required for the tax extension question to be put on the ballot. If there are less than four Republican in favor of the public's right to vote than the DOOMSDAY will be enacted. There is no alternative.

Every single member of our California State Legislature who is NOT a Republican is in favor of giving voters the choice of picking a tax extension or enacting the DOOMSDAY BUDGET. However NOT ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN is willing to let the public vote, NOT ONE!

If you want the right to vote, you best chance is to convince our locally elected Sacramento Republicans. Call them right now. Tell them you want the right to vote.

California Assembly
Martin Garrick (R) (760)929-7998
Nathan Fletcher (R) (858) 689-6290
Diane Harkey (R) (760) 757-8084

California Senate
Mark Wyland (R) (760) 931-2455

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