Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jerry Brown tries to stop DOOMSDAY BUDGET, gains political cover for Sacramento Repubs

Governor Jerry Brown is doing all that he can to find four Republicans that will allow you the voter to decide whether there will just be dramatic and drastic cuts to public education or whether there will be DOOMSDAY CUTS that the Sacramento Republicans are demanding.

Under the DOOMSDAY BUDGET CUTS public schools throughout California will have to fire hundreds of thousands of teachers and raise class sizes from the mid thirties to mid forties or fifties students per classroom teacher per hour of the day.

But that is not the worst. It looks like DOOMSDAY demanded by Sacramento Republicans will cut one full month off the school year and cut the pay of every non RIF-ed teacher by an additional at least ten percent on top of this years salary cuts of 4 to 6%. (RIF means Reduction In Force, it is the term given to teachers fired because of budget cuts)

Making 50K a year as a teacher this year? Next year, under the DOOMSDAY scenario, you will make less than 45K before taxes plus you will also have more cost for medical and dental plans. Thank an elected Sacramento Republican the next time you see one. Better call one right now. The previous post on this blog has a list of our four locally elected, evil Sacramento Republicans plus their phone numbers.

(NOTE: Not all Republicans are evil monsters who care nothing for sick, elderly, or school children. I am a registered Republican, but Republicans like me have no voice in our party now that hired gun radio con men and FOX News runs the agenda for our party.)

Jerry Brown is trying his best to stop the DOOMSDAY scenario from playing out, but because of our archaic 2/3rds state requirement for ballot measures, he will need four Sacramento Republicans to vote in favor of the tax extension initiative being allowed on the June ballot for a vote of the people. If the initiative does get on the June ballot and it passes, it will stop DOOMSDAY.

But it probably won't get on the ballot because our Sacramento Republicans are afraid of the state voters. They are so afraid that they are refusing to let the initiative on the ballot in June. If they succeed in keeping the initiative off the ballot, then DOOMSDAY BUDGET CUTS will come automatically starting July 1st, 2011. That's right. Four months from now is DOOMSDAY if Sacramento Republicans get their way.

Read what Governor Brown is doing to stop DOOMSDAY in this SF Chronicle article:

Notice that the Anti-Union North County Times has printed NO MENTION of looming danger of DOOMSDAY CUTS. The paper rants about public pensions with front page headlines. Day after day they blame teachers, fireman and police for the Great Recession that caused the state budget deficit.

The Great Recession as every informed person knows was really caused by New York fat cat Bankers who gamed our financial system with derivatives created under Bush era deregulation scam. But not only does our North County Times improperly blame dedicated public servants for budget shortfalls caused by the Great Recession, the paper doesn't even mention our locally elected Sacramento Republicans laughing and celebrating at their ability to force a DOOMSDAY SCENARIO on our state's children, NOT ONE WORD!

Any where else in the state and any other time in history, newspapers would have covered the danger of DOOMSDAY on the front page. Not today, and not the North County Times.

Thank goodness for Jerry Brown's success in getting the business community behind allowing the voters to decide. Now if the Sacramento Republicans would listen to their biggest campaign contributors, we will get to vote as a people on whether we truly want DOOMSDAY. We will see allow us to vote or force DOOMSDAY on us all.

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