Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pigs fly! Snow in Hell! North County Times criticizes Sacramento Republicans!

Yes that was a flock of pigs you saw fly by your house this morning and yes,
those news reports of a blizzard in Sheol are true!

Unbelievable! The right wing, reliably pro-billionaire bully agenda, and always anti-union, anti-middle class, anti-science North County Times editorial staff has chosen to criticize Sacramento Republicans for refusing to allow the people a vote on the DOOMSDAY BUDGET. Wow!

Perhaps there is trouble in fool's paradise among the mean spirited Sacramento Republican minority that has been celebrating their power to impose the DOOMSDAY BUDGET on all of us without a vote. It seems they may have started that celebration a bit too soon if even the the most rabid of their network of media mouthpieces, the North County Times, re-prints an editorial critical of their actions.

Yes, I said RE-print. I know I know it is not like the Peter York, the publisher and his crew of "yes men" editorial writers, were brave enough to write the editorial themselves. But hey, they did re-print one. That is a first positive step towards their growth towards becoming fair minded adult editors.

So I celebrate their change to side of goodness and light. Let's give the voters a chance to decide whether or not the DOOMSDAY BUDGET, with four to five fewer weeks of school, will be imposed on our school children.

Our four local Sacramento Republicans are still ALL thumbing their noses at the people of the state of California. They all say, "NO you can't" when asked to allow us to vote. They have also all said that their pledge of fidelity and allegiance to out-of-state, Washington lobbyist, Grover Norquist, is more important than representing the voting citizens of their districts.

Grover tells California voters,"no vote for you". Our foolish four local Sac. Repubs. echo him and repeat, "No vote for you" They never seem to forget their blood oath of absolute loyalty to His Royal Majesty, King Norquist and the massive amount of campaign money he controls.

California Assembly
Martin Garrick (R) (760)929-7998
Nathan Fletcher (R) (858) 689-6290
Diane Harkey (R) (760) 757-8084

California Senate
Mark Wyland (R) (760) 931-2455

Here is the RE-printed excellent editorial in the North County Times today.

Message to California legislators, especially Republicans: Let the people decide.

As we move close to a deadline to get a tax extension measure on a June 7 ballot, the Legislature met Wednesday in an attempt to push though Gov. Jerry Brown's austere budget plan that attempts to close a nearly $27 billion deficit with spending cuts and by extending a series of tax measures.

Brown, however, has been unable so far to secure the two Republican votes he needs to get the five-year tax extensions onto the June ballot.

But a statewide Field Poll released this week shows voters support Brown's budget proposal ---- including the tax extensions.

While it's getting late to make a June 7 ballot, just getting the extensions to voters that month still would be better than the alternative. Some Democrats are urging Brown to give up on the idea of a special election and just extend the taxes with the few Republican votes he'd need in the Legislature.

Voters want the chance to make the final call ---- 61 percent said they want a special election on taxes to solve the budget rather than have the Legislature decide on its own.

Guess they don't trust their elected representatives to make the right decisions on the budget. Based on the record, why should they?

---- Santa Cruz Sentinel, March 17

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