Friday, October 16, 2009

Yes, we will remember the 50 million dollars Jim Gibson wasted

In response to an ANTI blogger, "Dorothy," who claims the teachers owe the district money because Dorothy does not like that the VTA bargained for a full time release president in exchange for the VTA paying the full salary of a teacher to replace her.

"Dorothy" also thinks that we should for some reason blame the teachers for the excess costs of our third high school and instructs us to remember how bad the teachers were each time we drive past our new third high school. Yes, it is insane, but we Dorothy is an "ANTI" blogger and normal rules of logic do not apply to ANTIs.

Read Dorothy's rant here:

I agree with Dorothy we should indeed remember who wasted 50 million dollars. My response to her:

Yes, Dorothy, every time we pass our third high school, we will think of the FIFTY MILLION dollars and five years that JIM GIBSON made the district waste because he would not give his support to the cheap level Kawano site in 2002.

A high school at the Kawano/Strawberry Hill site was projected to cost 50 million TOTAL. How much does the high school now cost? 100 million! DOUBLE the cost! Why? Gibson and his henchman in taxpayer waste, Dr. Stephen Guffanti refused to support the cheap level Kawano/Strawberry Hill site in 2002 and 2003. Their unyielding opposition to the cheap, level, Kawano site forced the district to find a secondary and far less satisfactory and far, far more expensive site.

Let's say it one more time, Gibson refusal more than DOUBLED the price of the third high school and wasted 50 million dollars of the school bond, Prop O, taxpayer money.

The Kawano site was favored by ALL THREE of the PRO-FACT BASED, public education board members. Three board members was a majority that should have been enough, but not in our state. Our state LEGALLY requires the support of four trustees. Jim Gibson and his co-conspirator in taxpayer waste, Dr. Stephen Guffanti, BOTH refused time and time again to give their support for the cheap level Kawano site.

When will Jim Gibson apologize to the taxpayers of VUSD?

By the way Dorothy you are a lying about the teachers owning money to the district and you know you are lying. You have been corrected before. You know that the teachers of VUSD owe the district no money. There is no legal or moral basis for your lie. But hey, I know how good lies make you ANTIs feel. If you can't lie about someone and turn them into an evil straw man, how can you feel that wonderful righteous anger that so energizes you guys?

And Dorothy when will you hold a fund raiser to make up the FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS that your boy, Jim Gibson cost this district?

You know I can prove every allegation about Jim Gibson in this post. I have many times previous given the URLs of articles that prove Gibson's utter indifference to the waste of tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money for the construction of the third high school.

But I am willing to post a couple again for your edification.

(1)Proof that the third high school was supposed to cost only 50 million in 2002:

(2)Proof that JIM GIBSON and Dr. Stephen Guffanti were responsible for stopping the high school on the cheap level Kawano/Strawberry Hill site
"Two VUSD candidates attack magnet high school site"
Tuesday, October 29, 2002.

(3)More proof of Gibson and Guffanti's opposition to the cheap level Kawano site in 2002 and 2003:
Here is a quote from this article:
"Two of the five members ---- Jim Gibson and Stephen Guffanti ---- have said they oppose putting the school on the Kawano property (Strawberry Hill)."

NCTimes headline: "Vista still searching for home of magnet high schools"NCTimes, August 9, 2003--
Quote from this article: "Board members Jim Gibson and Stephen Guffanti said they refuse to support condemning the Kawano property (Strawberry Hill)"

I have many more of these articles and incriminating quotes from Jim Gibson and his buddy in the waste of taxpayer funds, Dr. Stephen Guffanti.

Just ask and I will post the quotes and URLs that prove that VUSD could have had a brand new high school finished at the latest by the fall of 2005 for a projected cost of just fifty million dollars TOTAL (not the current one hundred million dollars) if Jim Gibson had done what he was elected to do--find the quickest cheapest site for the new high school.

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