Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gufanti lie four, the union kept the district from building schools for ten years

Lie four: "During the next 10 years, the district stopped building schools without a bond"

The money from developer fees ran out as vacant land ran out in VUSD. How are schools built with no money? Fairy dust?

However a couple of new charters were started, Guajome Park Academy in portables on a piece of vacant land the district acquired with developers fees before that money ran out.

Then there was Guffanti's supported and locally infamous for incompetence charter called VLACS. Guffanti sat BOTH on the charter board of VLACS and on the VUSD school board that was supposed to oversee VLACS. Seems like a conflict of interest to me but I guess it was technically legal. VLACS used Guffanti's self published reading program 'Rocket Phonetics'. But financial problems and City of Vista Code violations finally closed VLACS down. Was VLACS a glowing example of a school 'built' without money? A school whose classrooms were empty office buildings that did not meet city code and whose playground was a public parking lot?

But how are a new high school, a new middle school and six new elementary school built without school bonds? Don't hint about the possibility of how schools are built without money, Guffanti. Tell us the magic way that happens. Does the rain make them spring up like mushrooms?

The folks who supported you candidacy opposed new school bonds for over a decade. There tiny but mobilized minority were enough to stop school bonds from passing with the archaic 2/3rds majority which was then California State law.

The fault of not building schools lies with you Dear Guffanti and your group of ANTI public education followers.

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