Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ben Avilez-Vista Schools, another outstanding graduate

Our ANTI friends like to charge that VUSD schools produce illiterates. After the disingenuous and factually incorrect Forum written by locally infamous ANTI public education activist, Jill Parvin, a few weeks ago one of those in our ANTI public education community said this:

Roxy at 11:08PM also wrote the following incorrect statement:"the majority of the “CHILDREN” at VUSD are functioning (sic) illiterate."

Clearly our friends in the ANTI community have never been in our fine VUSD schools to see our wonderful, eager to learn students and their outstanding teachers working together to achieve a high level of academic success. Those of us whose children actually attend(attended) VUSD schools know that our children received an outstanding education. We have seen evidence in the success they and their friends have achieved using that fine education. My oldest son, a graduate of Vista High School, is an associate in a top San Francisco law firm. My youngest son also a graduate of Vista High School was the editor of the Mira Costa student newspaper before autoimmune disease devastated him. Today in the North County Times we learn of another outstanding student produced by Vista public schools--Ben Avilez.

Ben Avilez--a recent graduate of Vista High School has created an outstanding short film that is receiving notice in the media. Here is what Dan Bennett of the North County Times said:

The short film "Diecast" ---- written, produced and directed by 21-year-old Vista resident Ben Avilez ---- is set to make its debut Oct. 11 at the first ThrillSpy International Film Festival in the nation's capital. Avilez is a film major at San Diego State University.

The rest of the article about Ben Avilez can be found here:

It is a real tragedy that our ANTI friends do not visit our fine VUSD schools. Perhaps if they did they would enroll their children in our public schools and find out for themselves how really excellent our public schools are. For their children's sake I wish they would visit.

Ignorance can be bliss but it can also foster fear and paranoia a prime example of that problem can be seen in the Jill Parvin Forum.

Jill Parvin's Forum can be found here:
The factual responses to her inaccurate claims and charges are found here:
and here:

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