Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thanking teachers--two perspectives

In today's North County Times there are two perspectives on teachers. The first is a letter to the editor written by an education supporter. The other a comment on that letter written by one of our local ANTI educational bashers.

In the interest of allowing us to better understand the minds of those who support and those who oppose public education, I will print both.


October 20, 2009

Remember to thank a teacher

Teachers may not make a lot of money, but they make a lot of difference.

Each year, Retired Teachers Week (Nov. 2 through 8) is celebrated when we especially thank teachers for making a difference in the lives of students. It is not easy to help children learn and grow by empowering them to go further than one can dream.

A child arrives like a mystery box with puzzle pieces inside. The teacher sorts them out and helps to create a work of art who believes in himself, thinks for himself, becomes responsible and is finally able to stand alone.

If you appreciate teachers, check the Web site http://ilovesch ools.com/, which empowers teachers with the tools to enrich our children. Remember to thank a teacher.

Lucile Reeder

unlaxx said on: October 20, 2009, 6:57 am
Re: Remember to Thank a Teacher

I respect teachers, but not the teacher's unions.

Our schools are trying to balance next year's budgets seeing that the stimulus borrowing which "saved" jobs this year has only exacerbated the situation for next year.

The answer would be lowering pay, increasing class size, or both.

However, union contracts prevent changes to these items.

So we'll see the elimination of sports and music programs, any remaining bus service, and more deferred maintenance.

Meanwhile, teachers will continue to gripe as they enjoy the only job I know of that pays an annual salary with 3 months vacation each year.

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