Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why I fight the ANTIs

I answered another blogger who asked for facts that Guffanti lied about (see my previous six posts). I am happy to fight these folks. I have a very personal reason as well as my general dislike for folks who do not use facts and make baseless and mean spirtied charges against my fellow teachers in order to further their political agenda.

No problem Craig. I am glad to do it. I have been fighting this battle since the mid 80s when my oldest was in kindergarten.

Our family helped with Prop K for Kids thinking we would have new schools for our children. My wife and I could not imagine it would fail. But it did (59.5% majority but not enough, not 2/3rds).

We tried again with Prop L, then Prop LL. Finally after all my children had graduated from high school did we get Prop O passed.

My children were forced to be in overcrowded falling apart schools for their entire school careers. I am still angry with the ANTIs over what they did to my children.

My youngest child in particular. He is now horribly crippled with autoimmune disease. He will never again have a regular, healthy life. But he was healthy from birth through his senior year in college before the diseases started.

During his K-12 years here in VUSD, the ##%* ANTI folks forced him to be in old crowded deteriorating schools. The best years of his life are now gone. The only truly healthy years he had are finished and our ANTI friends diminished those years for him. For me it's a blood feud. I will fight these ANTI folks for as long as I breathe.

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