Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Questions for Patty Anderson

I notice Patty Anderson is an adjunct marine science professor at Palomar College. Since she supported the side of the creationists in a previous election, I have some questions.

Does she accept the evidence for the universe being 13 billion years old as credible and convincing? Did God just make it appear to be old?

Was the Grand Canyon really created by Noah's flood? How does she explain the layers of volcanic ash interspersed with layers created at the bottom of oceans and in coastal mud flats? how did that all happen in forty days? Why didn't the wet mud from the flood collapse into the mile deep very vertical cliffs at the Grand Canyon? Why are there foot prints in the coastal mud flat deposits on top of a level leading straight back into the solid rock that towers hundreds of feet above the tracks and is thousands of feet above the canyon floor? etc. etc. etc.

Does she accept the evidence the earth is 4.6 billion years old as credible and convincing?

Does she accept the fossil evidence of a line of transitions for early whales from hoofed land animals with four legs and nostrils at the front of their snouts to finned marine creatures with the nostrils (blowhole) near the top of their heads? Does she find these fossils credible and convincing evidence that the ancestor of all whales and dolphins was a four legged land dwelling mammal?

Has she ever heard of the term closet creationist? What does she think of creationists who get jobs as science teachers in public institutions by stealth and deception?

Will she level paranoid and crazy charges at the our school district's teachers and run off to the local FOX affiliate with her nutty charges this election as she did last time?

Her charges were so nuts that even FOX would not air them nor would the North County Times print them. I will not dignify her fantasies by repeating them but I will say they had to do with her daughter and her dog and VUSD teachers. Completely nuts. Of course her daughter is NOT a VUSD student. Patty takes her out of district to "protect" her from the "evil" VUSD teachers.

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