Friday, September 12, 2008

Union bosses?

The term union bosses is being used by the anti public education crowd in our district. They imply our elected VTA leaders have some sinister power over teachers in the district. Consider this:

There are no VTA union bosses. The term is deliberately deceptive piece of political propaganda. Neither the VTA president nor any other member of the VTA leadership team has any power over the hiring, firing, discipline, or pay of any teacher in the district. The president cannot order any teacher to do anything at anytime. Calling a person a boss implies hiring firing, discipline and authority over employees. The use of the term union bosses applied to VTA leadership can be safely categorized as a lie.

The VTA leadership positions are elected by a secret ballot of the entire membership. No one elects a boss. All VTA leadership positions are filled by classroom teachers who volunteer to help out. Only the president is classroom release during his or her term. All others are full time teachers.

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