Friday, September 12, 2008

Guffanti's temperament

The NCTimes refuses to allow any reference to Stephen Guffanti volatile temperment and his hostility toward teachers and their leadership. I tried twice to publish the comment that follows about his behavior in the comment section following this article:
The NCTimes allows posts calling our president Jan O'Reilly a slob. Here:

but did not allow the following post--two tries.

Guffanti has not sought teacher endorsement in many years. He has refused to meet with the interview committee for at least his last three elections. The charge that he seeks teacher endorsement is misinformed at best or an outright lie at worse.

The problem with Guffanti is he seems to be a bomb thrower. He often seems to get angry and makes wild accusations with no basis for either the anger or the accusations. He has consistently displayed an attitude of contempt and anger when dealing with the teachers and their representatives. His anger and smoldering antipathy has not changed even as the VTA leadership has changed. His anger seems to come from some internal source not from any slight the ever changing VTA leadership has ever given him.


Unknown said...

Not entirely true, Guffanti used to enjoy the VTA PAC interviews and did in fact interview the previous two elections but chose not to this latest one. Please get your facts right.

retired said...

Chris is correct Guffanti did come to the VTA interviews in 2000 and 2004. My information about Guffanti was incorrect.

The mix up was as a result of confusing Jim Gibson's non-attendance at VTA interviews with his ideological, brother, Stephen Guffanti. (Gibson is currently running for a seat on Oceanside City council.)

I have checked with two VTA PAC members who interviewed Guffanti. Both agreed he had come to VTA Board interviews in both 2000 and 2004. They both agreed that he said he would accept VTA endorsement if given.

They also both said that he was not satisfied with the large identification cards in front of each interviewer with the interviewer's name prominently displayed.

He insisted on knowing from each interviewer "the what" and "where" each interviewer was employed by VUSD.

“His tone was not pleasant. It was a bit intimidating."

"It was asked with an intensity that showed it not to be casual conversation.” said one.

He made a show of writing down the what and where of each interviewer’s district jobs on a paper that he kept for later and took with him out of the interview.

"I felt intimidated and concerned for my job," the same interviewer said.

That interviewer wondered what would happen to that interviewer's district positions, if Guffanti ever gained an anti-education majority on the VUSD board.

No other school board candidate insisted on knowing "the what and where" that the interviewers VUSD positions in either 2000 or 2004 round of interviews. There was no sense of intimidation coming from any other school board candidate in those years either--only from Guffanti.

That series of interviews with candidates was the last set of candidate interviews that the intimidated interviewer agreed to be on. That interviewer quit the VTA-PAC after finishing the interviews with the other candidates.

The second interviewer confirmed that Guffanti had insisted on this extra knowledge about what and where, but that second interviewer did not feel threatened, just angry at Guffanti tactics.