Monday, September 8, 2008

Despicable and Vile charges against ex-Nun

The North County Times continues to allow despicable, slanderous and baseless charges to be published in their newspaper comment section. These comments are directed at the teachers of the district and against pro-public education VUSD school board members. Today the attack was against former nun, Carol Herrera. We, who genuinely care about VUSD students and their learning, must call the extremists on these malicious and false accusations.

Here is the URL of the NCTimes article:

The article explained the VUSD school board's misgivings and musing about allowing a particular charter school. Since we have had at least two failed charters in our district, careful scrutiny of a charter proposal would be not only prudent it would be the school board members legal obligation--the term is fiduciary responsibility.

Here is the despicable comment with its vile accusation:

Mika[-] wrote on Sep 8, 2008 4:17 PM:

Here we go again! A board member threatened by a successful charter school coming to town. I guess if the district was doing such a great job, they wouldn't even care about the Classical Academy. But to stand in opposition makes VUSD look foolish. I guess the teachers union is still holding the purse strings of Carol Herrera and her jacket has a slit in the back where the union places their hand through to control her lips and words to the community. Oh well, unions are never about the students.

Here is a response by a blogger "delightful" to the above slander. I suggest we all take our cue from "delightful" and never let the anti-public education group ever get away with their vicious lies and accusations.

delightful[-] wrote on Sep 8, 2008 8:25 PM:

Mika, such a pleasant and tempered set of comments.

Let me summarize your post. Carol Herrera, former nun, who has volunteered countless hours to the community and her church does not have the moral courage to think or act in the best interests of the students of VUSD. She lets those self serving teachers tell her what to do and she listens and does just as she is told. She cares so little for her own integrity and for the good of our students that she will act to harm their best interests if she is directed to.

Love that black and white thinking. No shades of gray for Mika. We have two seated VUSD board members with that same inability to see nuances. Safe bet that Mika is one of their supporters.

Inflammatory, slanderous and despicable charges are thrown around constantly in our district by these “anti” folks and their two “anti” board members. I guess that is why the Mikas and others in the "anti" group are called extremists.

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