Friday, September 12, 2008

Who wants to fire Joyce Bales?

Not only does the NCTimes refuse to publish any posts on the very pertinent subject of Guffanti's poor temperament for a public official, the censor also refuses to post comments about Joyce Bales imperious management style as the cause of friction in the school district. The ANTI group is pretending that their group is running to save superintendent, Joyce Bale's job. No one has brought up her firing except the ANTI folks.

The nctimes blog editor does allow the Guffanti group to call our VTA president, Jan O' Reilly "a slob with bad grammar." Those insults are just fine with the nctimes blog standards but answering the false charges that we want to fire Bales is not. Our friends at the nctimes are showing their political biases more and more openly as the campaign continues.

Below is a post I wrote trying to answer the false charges made by the Guffanti group to rally their troops. Everyone knows that firing Bales is not in the cards. She has a long term expensive contract that would have to bought out. All we want is to get her to modify her poor treatment of parents and staff.

Here are my comments that the NCTimes censor refused to post. See if you can find the part that is so inflammatory or derogatory that it could not be allowed on the nctimes blog.

Firing Bales is not on the table. It has never been discussed by anyone that I have heard at the VTA, PTA or board meetings.

The next School Board might ask her to be less rigid in her decision making and suggest that she allow parents to have more input. Asking her to change leadership style to be more inclusive of other stakeholders in the district is not a call for her firing.

The complaints about Bales are not about her goals to increase test scores. Everyone supports those goals. The complaints are regarding her imperious management style.

Saying that some board members want to fire Bales is a best a misunderstanding based on a failure to listen to the actual complaints about her. At worst it is a deliberate distortion used to try to gain political leverage.

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