Monday, September 29, 2008

How to Fight the Lies

What can we do to confront the Guffanti Team of Liars?
Volunteer at the VTA office 1717 East Vista Way Suite 203 Vista CA
There are activities every work day and often on Saturday and Sunday.
Volunteers are needed to:
(1) stuff fliers into Walk and Drop bags to be left at VUSD voters homes
(2) make phone calls to VUSD voters who have supported us in the past (this is our very best weapon—our phone bank has turned the tide on past lies by Guffanti and his group)
(3) attach campaign signs to wooden stakes
(4) put campaign signs up around down
(5) GOTV—Get Out the Vote on the day of the election, helping to get our voters to the polls
(6) And many more easy but needed clerical jobs
(7) donate money, time, materials

Reasons given for NOT helping with answers for why you should/could:

(1) I am too busy. ANSWER--Yes, you are. It seems there has been a deliberate strategy to keep teachers working on so much Bales Busy Work, that they are too exhausted to help with the campaign. Will you let that strategy be successful?

(2) I do not live in the district. Is it somehow ‘wrong’ for me to put my nose into district politics? ANSWER--No, of course not. You are an American. You are an American. You can help in any election in America and what election is more important than the one that has to do with YOUR JOB?
(3) I am not a teacher and I do not know a lot of teachers. ANSWER--So what? Who cares if you are a plumber, a house wife or Indian chief, the campaign for truth welcomes all help. The campaign located at the VTA office is a community campaign. It is only at the VTA office because there is available space there. All people no matter where they live or what they do are invited to come help.
(4) I hate talking on the phone. ANSWER--There are lots of other jobs. But for me talking on the phone became my favorite even though I was very nervous and not very good at it my first time at the phone bank. It truly is a joy to talk to the good voters of VUSD and know how few have been influenced by the Guffanti Lie and Smear machine.
(5) We do this every two years! ANSWER—Yes indeed we do but this may be the last year. Jim Gibson the other school board member who if VERY truth challenged is running for Oceanside City Council. Guffanti could well lose this year. He has made numerous enemies of parents and site council members. He does “not play well with others” and it is catching up with him.

If the G and G dynamic duo of liars both are off our board, we might have just normal board members with no hidden, hate filled agendas. Imagine five board members who vote only on what they think is in the best interest of our children. This election could finally nail the coffin shut on the lie and smear campaigns of the Guffanti group.

Don’t you want to be a part of the team that finally regained our board for the good of VUSD and not what is good for Guffanti’s or Gibson’s political careers. Come join us at the VTA office. Be part of a team for the good of our kids. We look forward to seeing you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a lot of hate on this web site