Saturday, September 13, 2008

Guffanti built schools?

Stephen guffanti and his supporters have falsely maintained that he built schools in VUSD without school bonds and could have "built" all the schools the district needed without a bond. Here is what one said in the comment section of the NCTimes:

To "to Guffanti needs to go" Your post at 8:04 PM said that: "Guffanti has built more school in VUSD while sitting on the board than any other Board member past or present"

(If the To to part above is confusing read the following; otherwise skip the blue.) The To "to..." part at the beginning is a response to parent who wrote in as "Guffanti needs to go' complining correctly that Guffanti has never been interested in building full service public schools in VUSD. Guffanti or one of those he has deluded wrote in a response to the parent saying that Guffanti has built more school (sic) in VUSD..." I responded with a post To 'to Guffanti need s to go.)

What a joke. LOL

Name one thing that Guffanti ever did to pass a bond issue. Did he support any bond with a guest editorial in the NCT? Did he write one letter to the editor in support of a bond? Did he ever make a single favorable comment at a school board meeting about any bond?
Did he make a phone call to a potential voter in support of a bond? Did he stuff mailers in support of a bond? Did Guffanti ever publicly say that he voted for a school bond? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO!

Why don't you ask him if he voted for Prop O?

As you know Prop O was the only successful VUSD bond in the last twenty years. It is the bond that built all the new schools in Vista. I wonder what Guffanti would say if asked if he voted for Prop O. After decades of overcrowded schools caused by bond failure after bond with each new school bond being opposed vocally and publically by Stephen Guffanti, a sitting VUSD board member . Shouldn't the VUSD community know whether your "champion" of new schools voted for Prop O himself? Shouldn't he have some accountability for the editorials he wrote in the NCTimes opposing previous bonds? Shouldn't he bear the a significant share of the responsibility for our VUSD kids being subjected to overcrowded classrooms for the two decades after the first school bond, that he opposed, failed?

There were at least three bonds while Guffanti lived in Vista, tell us how he helped to get them passed. Tell us if he claims to have voted for any of them. Why did he write letters to the editor and editorials opposing those bonds? Doesn't he care about VUSD kids? Is that because his teenage daughter has NEVER attended any VUSD school or any other public school?

If Guffanti never supported any school bond, then how did he "open any school"?

School bonds are the only way to raise new funds to finance the construction of new schools. So how did Guffanti help "build schools"? How are schools built without money?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a joke, how bout the fact that this idiot voted against the bond and during the two years it took to pass the next one the price of real estate and building materials skyrocketed This fool has singlehandedly cost the taxpayers more money than anyone on the school board EVER! Is that being a TRUSTEE? For that reason alone he should RESIGN!