Sunday, February 14, 2010

PRO Public Education bloggers respond in North County Times comment section

Least we become saddened to think that the VUSD community was made up of only ANTI public education bloggers here are a couple of North County Times comments from rational folks who believe in the value of FACT based public education:

Cal said on: January 16, 2010, 8:02 am
Roxy - Your rage against the teachers in this district is misguided and silly. You got a lot of moxy to say the district was viable in 1994. Wasn't that when the community got together and sacked the right-wing religious fanatics who were on the board? If you can "recall" the anti-science whackos who wanted to teach creationism along side science were hell bent on taking VUSD's curriculum back to the dark ages. They were recalled because the community wanted our children to have a 21st century education.

And what white flight? Where are all the white folks flying to? Did they get angel wings?Seems like they are all still here driving their kids to school in super-sized SUV's.

This recall is going to be as popular as a fart in church. There is not enough anger in the community to sustain it this tempest in a tea party cup because the legitimately elected board is doing a fine job.

If anyone should be recalled it's that obstructionist hack Gibson, who's sole purpose on the board seems to be developing name recognition for his inevitable run for a higher public office.

Discouraged said on: January 16, 2010, 6:34 am
Yes... let's waste half a million dollars like Oceanside did with their recall effort - all to no avail. This district can hardly afford this action, and frankly, I question the soundness (sanity?) of this woman's actions. I remember voting in the recall election back in the early 90s and it had more to do with the fact that the newly elected (Christian) trustees were trying to change curriculum that would have likely been challenged and deemed unconstitutional - and involved a very costly lawsuit. It was such big news that it was covered on "ABC World News Tonight" with Peter Jennings.

Anyone - ANYONE - elected in 2008 inherited an office that included a deficit and guaranteed tough times ahead. This recall will just further divide the community. My kids are grown, but I would probably remove them from this district - not because of the teachers, because my kids with very few exceptions had great teachers - but because of the toxic, vitriolic attitudes and actions of people who are clearly anti-public education.

What a really sad situation.

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