Sunday, February 14, 2010

Greedy VUSD Teachers make over 90K a year! Outrageous! declare ANTIs.

Our ANTI friends accuse the teachers of VUSD of making excessive salaries with money taken from the children of the district.

First off, teachers should make 90K a year for their difficult and important job which requires a high level of education. Folks with equal education make far more than teacher do.

I have three nieces who are 11, 14 and 17 years younger than my wife and I. Each of them graduated with a business degree from a four year college and each of them got more money their first year in their new job then Margaret and I received in our teaching jobs that we had had 11, 14 and 17 years longer. I accepted the unfairness of the oldest one getting more even though we were eleven years into our careers but when the youngest of the three also got a higher salary than we had AFTER 17 YEARS as teachers, I was a bit miffed.

My oldest son 24 years younger than us, got a salary with his UC Hastings law degree as a first year associate that was 50% higher than our salaries after 24 YEARS OF TEACHING! So yes teachers deserve 90K but in VUSD are not paid that much. Certainly not VUSD teachers in their twenties, thirties, or forties when they have families to support are not paid even close to that much.

Here is what I wrote to blogger, Mean Mom, who claimed we all made 90K:

con no more (that's me) said on: February 11, 2010, 12:18 pm
For Mean Mom and our other ANTI friends, no teacher in VUSD is paid 90K--not one, not now, not ever. Here is the VUSD salary schedule, look for yourself:

Mean Mom in her post at 9:13 am pretends that there are "cadillac" benefits in addition to a supposed 90K salary.

VUSD teacher salaries range from slightly less than 34K to slightly more than 81K. Few if any teachers ever make it to 81K. In order to earn that much a VUSD teacher must teach for at least 30 years in VUSD. Time teaching in other California public school districts does NOT count for this step in our pay scale.

Also should be noted that the average VUSD salary has fallen to the 32nd out of 37 reporting districts in San Diego County for the last year with statistics recorded--2008-9.

VUSD teachers are not overpaid. They gave up salary this year to preserve small class size in K-3 classrooms in our district. I expect VUSD average salary to be either dead last or nearly dead last in San Diego County next when statistics for this year are complied by the state.

The 90+K for the president referred to in this article includes the cost of medical, dental and other health benefits. In the past, medical and dental benefits were never counted as salary. No teacher can spend this money. It is not salary for teachers or anyone else lucky enough to be employed in a job with health benefits. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

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