Saturday, February 13, 2010

ANTIs in their own words

ANTIs in their own words.
Did you know that teachers are lazy union thugs who work part time for full time pay. They spend their time bullying students, parents, and board members. The only life goal of a teacher is more money and less work. Teaching children to read and write is easy if teachers would just make a minimal effort, but they are too lazy. Teachers refuse to allow district officials to lay off teachers as enrollment declines.

If all of these “facts” are not apparent to you, then you are not a member of the small group of VUSD residents who we call ANTIs. Why ours in the only North County District afflicted with ANTIs is not apparent. But was is apparent is that our ANTI friends do not like FACT based public education. They believe it is a threat to the moral values of their children, themselves and to society at large. They want to end public education and replace it with home schooling or religiously themed charter/voucher schools.

Since most ordinary folks cannot believe that any one would really have the beliefs mentioned above I have copied some posting of our ANTI friends along with the URL and headline of the article they commented on. These quotes are only from the last four articles about VUSD in the North County Times. There are equally as offensive and untrue comments after every one of the hundred or so of NCTimes articles published about VUSD in the last few years.

VISTA: VUSD to consider layoff notices to at least 167 teachers
February 13, 2010

Dorothy said on: February 13, 2010, 8:40 am

Remember that over 80% of the budget is salaries!
Why doesn't the VTA return the $546,000 that they owe the District?

SicOfItAll said on: February 13, 2010, 8:52 am
I wonder how many teachers jobs could be saved by cutting ESL (or making parents pay for it) and all the other freebies like free breakfasts and lunches, seems some parents forgot what sack lunches are.

unlaxx said on: February 13, 2010, 8:58 am
The whole Ed Code requirement of having to notify teachers in March that they MIGHT not have a job next fall is a waste of time.

In fact, most all of the Ed Code is a waste of time and redundant with other fair labor laws, common sense, and sound business practices.

The administration should simply include a potential layoff notice to every employee when they mail out W-2s every year.

Stupid rules should be changed or circumvented.

Jake said on: February 13, 2010, 9:20 am
One more time: Break the union!! The VTA and abominable tenure and pensions are BREAKING our schools! What would happen if we filed BK in the vusd and got rid of the union? We could re-hire whomever was deemed valuable. Based on performance each teacher would get a THREE year contract. It's time to run VUSD like a BUSINESS!! If we EVER get rid of illegals, free feeding, tenure, and use scientific needs projection we could run VUSD with ONE super and a good Secretary!!

unlaxx said on: February 13, 2010, 10:04 am
Jake at 9:20

Good point on using BK to invalidate union contracts. The Detroit school system is about to do it, and it's legal. It's Chapter 6 of the bankruptcy code.

Sleeping but Awake said on: February 13, 2010, 12:56 pm
I believe the school system should be eliminated in total. All our chaildren need to be raised at home with loving parents teaching them about politics, health, history and english. It is very easy to run chemistry experiments in the home garage with a little prep time. Teachers should become packs of roaming tutorers each with a sack fiull of books. if they can't cut life as Ronin teachers then to heck with them. teachers, smeachers, who needs them and their putrid unions.

VISTA: Union challenges VUSD repayment request

unlaxx said on: February 11, 2010, 4:53 pm
The salary figures being tossed around here are quoted as if they're annual pay.

Teaching is a part-time job, less than 8 hours / day and 185 days which works out to around 8-1/2 months / year.

Civil servant jobs have never been hard to staff because you have to be a complete idiot to get fired, and you can coast through your employment years knowing you'll be getting a pension.

rdub said on: February 11, 2010, 9:21 am
BAN PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS...before it's too late for America
Mean Mom said on: February 11, 2010, 9:13 am
I'm with Educated Critic. $90k (and don't forget those soon-to-be tax free 'Cadillac' benefits & retirement) for a teacher who doesn't teach! The taxpayer is actually paying for a full-time union head whose sole purpose is to bully the board and rake more tax money for those poor overworked, unappreciated victims (that we used to call teachers). SICKENING!

We're stuck with crappy educators who are afraid to fail the lagging students, or discipline the disruptive ones, or uplift the gifted ones, etc because they all get more than they earn.

Local cities need to take back the control of our schools. Get the feds out; get the unions out. Our tax dollars should pay those dedicated to teach AND those dedicated (and appreciative) to learn. The rest will naturally be weeded out

Dorothy said on: February 10, 2010, 11:50 pm

Show me the money!!! With what the CTA will spend on this, they could just pay the $540,000 (as of the last board meeting) that is currently owed VUSD and be done with it! People are watching and there is a recall underway and elections for the other two trustees. Change is coming!

Vista Watchdog1 said on: February 10, 2010, 7:15 pm

As enrollment has fallen at VUSD no teachers have been laid off

VISTA: Music classes to end at VUSD elementary schools
Elimination part of recent budget cuts

Sunny said on: February 3, 2010, 10:11 am
Carter and Mr. Fantastic are right on. Students don't learn History, Geography, math, or science, so let's take away music too. What a disservice as we are creating generations of mental morons and miscreants that we will have to deal with when they cannot compete in a world market. Great job, leaders! We sent our kids to private school and gladly paid the price to get them away from the mediocraty that is permeating the VUSD due to timid leadership and ignorant parents. Thanks for putting the kids last; sadly,we will all pay for it in spades.

VISTA: VUSD board tentatively approves budget cuts--Some items require union negotiations

Roxy said on: January 30, 2010, 11:02 am

At VUSD you find a lot of dirty politics, excuses, blame games, gangs, drugs etc. it makes no difference which high school you choose. By the way if you are thinking of Guajome Park Academy it is far worst than VHS or RBV as far has low scores, standards and a lot of drugs.

Visit one of VUSD board meetings and see where the focus and funding is going. Also see the conduct of VUSD teachers.

Roxy said on: January 29, 2010, 9:06 pm
Con~~ writing that VUSD teachers are “among the best in the county. They are also among the most caring.” Is like blasphemy, you talk about writing FACTS and then you write some narly whoppers this is too unreal. Just whom are you trying to fool?

You talk about building schools? Which schools? You mean those trailer parks with leaky roofs, and moldy classrooms? These trailer parks look more like prisons, what the heck I guess preparing kids for their future penitentiary is a noble cause right?

You can try to convince people of some type of extremist group or groups but it will not fly this time. Parents are sick of the fear tactics so get a new strategic plan.


Roxy said on: January 29, 2010, 8:55 pm

Simply put it intelligence cannot be defined in a bottle, unfortunately kids in VUSD are pumped up with self-esteem and told they have some presumed abilities which they do not.

Unfortunately VUSD teaches students to the lowest level, with low expectations. VUSD students in turn respond with high illiteracy, high dropout rates, and most sanctioned schools. It is basic common sense children perform at the level in which they are expected to perform.
VUSD teachers in turn pat each other on the back for a job well done

If your daughter excels in math she will simply not be challenged at VUSD because VUSD does not have AP classes or higher calculus or statistics. The very few classes that they do have are full and parents fight to get their kids in there at middle and it is much worst at high school. Unfortunately even the few students that do graduate and go on to college will have to take math remedial classes.

Unfortunately the tutoring programs turn out to be nothing more than babysitting programs. Based on my experience I have to conclude that if parents love their kids and do care about their kid’s education VUSD is not the appropriate school district.
I encourage you to attend one of VUSD public meeting and see for yourself the conduct of VUSD teachers. It will be an eye opening experience.

Roxy said on: January 29, 2010, 8:26 pm

The bottom line is that VUSD students cannot compete with the rest of the schools districts in the county, VUSD has some of the most sanctioned schools in the county, VUSD has one of the highest dropout rates in the state.

Roxy said on: January 29, 2010, 10:38 am

They have the Harlem model that I think would be good for VUSD judging by its student population. Frankly, I think VUSD teachers are pretty arrogant because charter schools are going to be coming to VUSD. Sooner than most school districts, VUSD thugs need to get the blinders out of their eyes. Because I am sure that charter parents don't want thugs teaching their kids.

Would you want thugs teaching your children?

Roxy said on: January 29, 2010, 10:31 am
Carl LaFong~~ by the way these teachers union thugs and their members talk you wouldn't know they are in fact the worst school district in the county of San Diego and possibly the state.

Vista Watchdog1 said on: January 29, 2010, 5:18 am
I'm curious, If there are 1,200 teachers at VUSD, and they are not laying off any teachers, only support staff, plus the enrollment is continuing to decline, then why would the teachers have to agree to "increase class sizes for the next two years”? In fact, if you take the most recent enrollment numbers and divide by the currently listed number of teaches you arrive at a student/teacher ratio of about 18/1.

VISTA: VUSD could face another recall
Activists start process that could remove three trustees

Roxy said on: January 17, 2010, 12:33 am

Vista Watchdog1 said on: January 16, 2010, 11:54 pm
So, where do I sign up for this recall? I know about 100 or so who would love to sign, and some of them are teachers at VUSD!

VUSD Taxpayer said on: January 16, 2010, 9:52 pm

The heavy repetition of lies and smears for political gain are by no means inconsequential which is why each and every one of us must use what ever resources we have at our disposal to dissemminate the actual truth that the real problem of education in California is the Teacher's Union.

Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 8:41 pm
Always Right~~ so are you saying that UNION THUGS are PREDATORS? You are probably right if they bully kids the same way they bully their parents.

Congrats to Jill Parvon for having the courage to recall the three union puppets. Too bad she did not add Herrera's name to it but she is a sitting duck since she is up or reelection in November.

Where and when cam I get a petition to sign?????

the Oceanside recall is a completely different and quite distinct from VUSD.

In Oceanside the unions were doing the recall and people showed they had enough and were disgusted with union thugs.

here Vista will have an opportunity to get rid of union thugs.

VUSD Taxpayer said on: January 16, 2010, 4:45 pm
After reading all these blogs, it sounds like the Union thugs have their talking points passed out to their mind-numbed robots!

Plain Truth said on: January 16, 2010, 4:37 pm

The fact is the union bought the board since the 1994 election and has lowered the literacy rate ever since. Even with Bales efforts and an unprecedented 5 year improvement VUSD still doesn't have 60% of students reading at grade level that they had in 1994. So union controlof the board has not been good for students.

Meanwhile, the union is canabalizing the district rather than take a pay cut. The district is looking at an $18 million deficit and the union launched a 3 hour hissy fit at the last board meeting. I think it is time to return our public schools to the public.

Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 9:54 am
Lisa ~~ the VTA has awaken a sleepy giant the parents from OLIVE, MARYLAND are really pissed off.

You know what they say:

If you give them enough rope they hang themselves.

Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 9:48 am
Cal ~~ rage against the district? Try saying that over 85% of the budget goes to pay for their SALARIES, BENEFITS and PENSIONS.

For what? Dirty union politics and no education, kids can’t read, can’t write and cannot calculate, add the highest dropout rate in the state.

Herrera says its because of SIATech dropout recovery program, yeah OK. How and where did these students dropout from?

Before 1994 was when the KIDS COULD READ, WRITE and CALCULATE.

See this is the problem with union thugs, they don’t seam to understand kids attend school to LEAN how to READ, WRITE and CALCULATE.

21 Century education came with the village mentality and over 60% dropout rate, illiteracy and racism.
Teachers are more concerned with SOCIAL RE ENGINEERING than education. Brainwashing students, and promulgating their own social political views rather than teaching kids how to READ, WRITE and CALCULATE.
Very said you don’t even know what the term, “WHITE FLIGHT” means.

Very interesting you slam the churches yet these were the same ones who voted for Jaka and Chunka. Are you afraid these same churches have woken up?

Sounds like you have a lot of gas to pass try farting Jan's way...

Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 9:35 am
lostnacfgop ~~ you lost me when you said 65% -75% of most district budget?

TRY OVER 85% of the VUSD budget goes to their salaries, after the toilet paper and INSURANCE PREMIUMS (MILLIONS) THERE IS NOTHING LEFT FOR THE KIDS!!!!!!!!!

VUSD Taxpayer said on: January 16, 2010, 9:19 am
Well done, Jill Parvin and her group! It's about time somebody in the community realizes how bad these 4 board members are. They don't represent us the tax payers - they are bought and paid for by the Union.
Thanks to Stacy who reminded us that the Union has had control of the Board since 1994 AND our district has done nothing but go downhill since 1994! VUSD used to be one of the top districts in Southern California now we have schools that are being sanctioned.
Also want to mention the half million dollars in illegal payments that went to the Union since 1994 that Gibson discovered and demanded payment back but was blocked by the 4 Union bought Board members.
Yes, I do read the North County Times and I do pay attention.

Jake said on: January 16, 2010, 8:50 am
Atta girl Roxy! I STILL believe the VTA can be BROKEN! Unions are passe in America and if they CONTINUE to hold the citizens hostage (trustees are in a standoff with the VTA),then it's time for the parents to take the school board BACK! Kudows to Jill Parvin for STEPPING UP! Who among us would do so? Sack the VTA and LIlly/Junk/Chucky!!!

Carl LaFong said on: January 16, 2010, 7:44 am
If cost money to change the VUSD, then spend it. At least they can't waste it. WE have to get Board Members that put the children first, which this board doesn't. Maybe the VUSD has to go broke before we get good people on the board. It is too bad Oceanside is in the VUSD. It is time to investigate this board and others, that are not doing it for the children and for themselves.
Where do I sign. Get them out of there!

Roxy said on: January 15, 2010, 11:16 pm

Lets not forget that in 1994 VUSD was a viable school district since then it has suffered from white flight. Loosing thousands of students. 700 this year and the year I still YOUNG!!!!

While VUSD has LOST THOUSANDS of students NOT a SINGLE TEACHER has been laid off.

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