Saturday, September 26, 2009

ANTI charge: Release time president legal decision has not been reviewed in twenty years

As far as legal opinion, all parts of a bargained contract are run passed to legal counsel here in VUSD and elsewhere before they are adopted.

The president of a large association being released full time to work on personnel matters has passed every legal review in every large district in California that has bargained this issue every single time over the last twenty years.

There have been at least a thousand times that this concept has passed legal muster in the last few decades. A legal review happens each and every time before a new contract is signed between a bargaining unit and a school district. Scores of LARGE California school districts have a bargained release time president. Every year or two a new contract is bargained. Let me guess that 100 districts (conservative guess) in the state have released time presidents for the last two or three decades with a new agreement every two years.

Here is the math 100 times 20 years divided by two equals at least ONE THOUSAND INDEPENDENT legal reviews of this policy.

Why should VUSD have to spend money on an EXPENSIVE law firm, that VUSD is not contracted with, for reviewing a matter that has been ESTABLISHED as a LONG STANDING, LEGAL part of bargaining?

Oh I know, I know. Because Jim Gibson does not care about wasting taxpayer money. No surprise he would call for an EXPENSIVE law firm not contracted with VUSD to review a long established legal precedent in California educational law.

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