Saturday, September 26, 2009

ANTI Lie: Gibson did NOT cost VUSD taxpayers 40 million dollars

This false assertion was made by Samuel in the comment section after the following Parvin opinion piece:

Here are the actual facts as I responded in my post to Samuel:

Samuel wrote at 11:42PM the following ridiculous statement, "yet continue to claim that Mr. Gibson was responsible for a waste of $40 million on the high school project. You can not offer any valid proof to support your claim"

Poor, poor Samuel. Denial is the one of the steps of grief and you are still there. I know how sad it must make you feel to know that Gibson OWNS the 40 million dollar EXTRA cost of the new high school and no amount of your spinning about decisions MADE AFTER Gibson forced the district to go to the more expensive Melrose site can save him or your argument.

Everyone living in the VUSD during the 2002 election campaign remembers that plethora of GIBSON SIGNS saying "STOP the 10,000 car MEGA High School" which location was that Samuel?

Oh that's right Gibson was campaigning to STOP the purchase of the cheap, level, graded, 50 acre Kawano site behind Strawberry Hill. How much did that site cost? ONE million dollars. How much did the secondary site cost at Melrose that Gibson's opposition forced on the district? EIGHTEEN MILLION! The Melrose site was HILLY and NOT graded--millions more of taxpayer's money wasted by Gibson. The site was in the CITY of Oceanside instead of the City of Vista. The Oceanside City Council contained a majority of council members who two years later ENDORSED Gibson campaign to become an Oceanside City Councilman. Yet that SAME PRO-GIBSON city council added in a bunch or nasty and unhelpful extra requirements that cost VUSD millions more. Weird that a city council that Gibson has so much influence with added in onerous and expensive grading and road building requirements to the construction of the VUSD third high school. I wonder why? Ask Jim Gibson.

Samuel, you want more PROOF that GIBSON in cahoots with the other ANTI public education member of VUSD (Stephen Guffanti) cost the district taxpayers 40 million dollars? You do remember it took FOUR school board members in favor to purchase the cheap level Kawano land? Right? Even you cannot deny that.

Let's read what Gibson said about purchasing the cheap level fully graded site Kawano site. From an article in the North County Times dated August 9, 2003

"Vista still searching for home of magnet high schools" written By: DAVID STERRETT

Quote: "Board members Jim Gibson and Stephen Guffanti said they refuse to support condemning the Kawano (behind Strawberry Hill) property...The Strawberry Hills site is unacceptable," Gibson said. "That's not the only site out there, and there are other possible sites that they could look at."

How many much more proof do you need Samuel? I have seven or eight more quotes from seven or eight more articles published in the North County Times from the spring of 2002 into the spring of 2004 with Gibson and Guffanti PUBLICLY declaring they would not support buying the CHEAP LEVEL Kawano property.To purchase the Kawano site, VUSD had to have FOUR of the five board members supporting the decision to purchase. Only TWO ever and frequently opposed that purchase your buddy, Gibson and his confederate in waste, Guffanti.

Gibson OWNS the waste of the EXTRA FORTY MILLION DOLLARS that the second best site cost our Vista school district. I know it. You know it. Best of all the community knows it. That is one of the many reasons why Gibson will suffer yet another humiliating political defeat in his school board re-election bid in November 2010. The voters know him now. He was humiliated when he ran in the Republican primary for Temecula Assemblyman. He was humiliated last November when he ran for Oceanside City Council where he lost badly even though a majority of the Oceanside council members endorsed him. He will lose in November 2010 and perhaps the good decent folks of the North County will be done with this Orange County carpetbagger.

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