Sunday, September 6, 2009

More ANTI Accusations--from their lunatic fringe

ANTI blogger, "Plain Truth" also posted the following the article announcing that a new dual magnet high school was to be opened at Washington Middle School.

Plain Truth's plain lie: "The union came to the board and said they didn't want the magnet high schools because it was too much like a charter school. The union board just followed orders."

Hundreds of good union members and other community members worked for TWO DECADES to get a third high school in our district. We would have taken any high school, in fact we did, there is RIGHT now a dual MAGNET high school being completed on Melrose.

Did you read this article?

The MAGNET high school HAS ALREADY opened in a temporary location. Hopefully in January the permanent site will be ready. It would have been built and full of students FIVE years ago if Gibson had not opposed the CHEAP, LEVEL and GRADED fifty acre Kawano site.

Next Plain Truth's plain lie was:

"The last bond, Prop O, had a provision to open the new high school in September 2002 on land already owned by the district. The union board members voted to swap the magnets for Vista Focus Academy."

The district owned no land of fifty or more acres needed for the third high school. We had a chance to own the cheap level Kawano 50 acre property, but Gibson's nixed that.

Vista Focus Academy was for 8th grade students who did not qualify for high school. It was located on land next to Washington middle school owned by the district. The site was maybe seven or eight acres in size at most.

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