Thursday, September 24, 2009

An ANTI says: Obama speech scary because who knows how it will be used

I think it is a good thing for us to be exposed to the paranoid and angry thinking of the ANTI public education crowd who do not support FACT based public education. Here is one from the Letters to the Editor comment page. It kind of hurts the brain to read but still this is the broken thinking of those who would destroy public education in America.

GFlash said on: September 24, 2009, 5:53 am
Letting my Kidds listen to the Obama speech was not the issue.

Letting my kids listen to the Obama speech in the Liberal public school setting and then who knows what they will use it for is a big issue.

Remember the Teachers unions were supporting Gay marriiage and that is against my wishes.

These days I have no respect for the public school system. Public school is not good enough for my children.

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