Friday, September 25, 2009

Jill Parvin only person EVER allowed to violate North County Times editorial policy

It should be noted that Jill Parvin (see next post) is the ONLY PERSON allowed to violate the North County Times long standing editorial policy which limits editorial page appearances to only one appearance every two weeks. No one has been allowed to violate this maximum except Parvin, perhaps because she writes ANTI public education letters. This NCT editorial policy has contiuously been in effect since at least the election of 2006, when PRO public education letter writers were severely limited as to the number of times they could get a letter published in the weeks before the election.

That the North County Times editorial staff has DOUBLE STANDARDS--one for pro-public education letter writers and a different more lenient policy for the ANTI group comes as no surprise to those who have read the NCTimes unfair and unbalanced attacks on the middle class, unions and in particular the Vista Teachers Association over the last 15 years.

Here is the pertinent part of the policy:
"Writers are limited to one letter to the editor or Community Forum about every two weeks."
Policy found here:

Note: I believe the word 'about' has been added to the long standing policy in the last month as this issue came up recently in the VUSD blog wars following articles in the NCT. I will check my records to verify that the word 'about' has recently been added.

Parvin was allowed a letter to the editor (October 14, 2008) and a Forum piece (October 16, 2008) in the same week.

Why would the ANTI firefighters union, ANTI police union and ANTI grocery store clerks union and ANTI teacher union, editorial staff of the North County Times make this exception? Gee, what a mystery. The NCTimes editorial troika is sooo 'fair' and 'balanced', why would they allow Parvin this exception that no one else is allowed?

See Parvin's editorial pieces that violated the North County editorial 'standards' here:

AND here:

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