Tuesday, September 22, 2009

An ANTI asks, "Why do poor children do badly on tests? Don't their parents care?

Mean Mom, your racism is showing. You wrote "the illegals don't care about improving the lives for their children" so what's your point? Only white European women like you love their children? Lovely.

As to why poor children do not do as well as children from higher wealth households, economically deprived children suffer a host of disadvantages that our children do not have.

The constant stress of money issues makes doing homework seem a bit less important not to mention many poor children have NO PLACE to do homework because there is NO SPACE in their crowded homes and bedrooms. Many times WHOLE families live in one bedroom that they 'rent' from almost as poor tenant in a tiny hovel or apartment. Here in Vista (Townsite area) I have seen whole families renting and living in a single car garage.

Each day at school the children must wonder, will I be living in same place next month if the rent can't be paid? Their parents are gone from the 'home' they live in fair more hours of the day than most middle class parents. The low income parents must work two or three jobs six to eight hour a day jobs including weekends to support the household. The families have no health insurance and not enough money to pay for optometrists, dentists, and doctors so children come to school with toothaches, or undiagnosed vision problems or hearing problems or sick.

Imagine trying to concentrate in class when you are hungry, have a tooth ache, can't see the blackboard, etc.

And to MikeinCA, YES, YES, YES, I would like a government run health care system as long as the current Republican party members do not set it up.

No Child Left Behind was advocated, passed and the rules set up by a REPUBLICAN president. The Lake Wobegon effect where every child has to score above average is impossible in real life was a poison pill put in seemingly on purpose to guarantee failure. The anti public education, REPUBLICAN apparatchiks who wrote the impossible regs for NCLB knew this. Our current Republican friends with their anti-science, anti-history anti-FACT based education bias want public education to fail or at least appear to be failing. Then all that is left is private fact free indoctrination schools. (NOTE: I am a Republican from the old school before our party was run by haters like Limbaugh et. al.)

So far the apparatchik's NCLB plan for public school failure appears to be working. Too many of the uniformed see 'sanctions' and think that the school is an awful place to send children to learn. NCLB needs to be and will be changed to reflect obtainable goals. Then I am sure Fallbrook High and most other public schools will have the same good scores, they always have had.

By the way when are the private hate filled fact free schools that the current crop of Republicans favor, going to take the same tests as the public school students? That's right. NEVER! Because whenever public and private school students take the same tests, the public school students cream the Cult of the Con private school students who were given pathetic FACT FREE education.

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