Friday, September 11, 2009

Jim Gibson knows that LindaMood Bell works, Tee Hee

The following is a response to the article in the North County Times

VISTA: School board balks at reading program

Funniest part of this article was the line "Jim Gibson said he knows the program works". Tee Hee

How would Jim know? Is he a teacher? Has he used this program to teach children? Has he ever been to a school site and asked teachers how it worked?

In fact Jim Gibson who gets PAID by the district for his "work" as a trustee and who has full family insurance coverage from the district (worth thousands of dollars) never seems to have time to actually do his job by going to the schools and finding out first hand what is happening in the classroom.

Good joke, Jim, now you "know" what works and doesn't work even though you have done nothing to find out for yourself.

The one trustee who is "too busy," according to his supporters, to visit VUSD school sites regularly like Jaka, Chunka and Herrera do is now the "expert" in what works at the school sites with our students and what does not.

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