Sunday, May 23, 2010

The reason that the Con Propaganda Machine targets school teachers

Below in blue is one paragraph from an anti teacher New York Times article. It explains why destroying teachers' unions and teachers' benefits, teachers' salaries and pensions is one of the highest priority of the massive, unprecedented, anti-middle class propaganda machine. This machine has been carefully crafted over two or three generations of billionaires who fund 'the machine'. The paragraph in blue below explains why our local angry ANTI friends continuous repeat the same hateful phrases about evil teacher unions. These phrases have been crafted by this anti-middle class propaganda machine and repeated ad naseum by hired gun 'opinion makers'.

First though some background, the billionaires (Koch brothers, Walton family of Walmart, Macmillians and Cargills of Cargill Meat of E. coli fame, and the Carlyle Group of Bush family fame et. al.) like money to go in only one direction, into their bank accounts never out. In order to make sure that happens they have funded and created a group of propaganda mills to attack any potential political opposition to their goal of complete financial conquest of the United States.

With the recent Supreme Court ruling that bizarrely labels corporations as "people" protected by the US Constitution, corporate boards and billionaires can spend any amount with no limits in elections. Starting in the next election there is unlikely to be any one elected in America who opposes their plans for financial conquest.

For the last fifty years, the billionaire Genghis Khans have successfully worked on destroying virtually all unions in private businesses. Then they went after public employee unions.

Ronald Reagan gave them their first major victory. It was the beginning of their political dominance of public unions and public opinion when he successfully fired all the air traffic controllers without any political consequences.

Then Reagan by presidential fiat ended the Fairness Doctrine. No more would national or local news have to be unbiased or fact based. The ending of the Fairness Doctrine was their greatest coup over the American working class until that recent Bush appointed Supreme Court ruling a couple of months back.

Ending the Fairness Doctrine allowed for conmen like the team of John and Ken of KFI AM 640 to without fear of consequence be hired to go on the AM radio five hours a day five days a week for more than a year to urge the recall of Gray Davis with no other viewpoint allowed. None. I tried to call in, was given air time and then not allowed to rebut their lies. They did not allow me to finish a sentence.

Complaints to the FCC about unfairness were ignored, because there was no Fairness Doctrine. No necessity of broadcasters to do broadcast anything for the public good.

A couple of years later John and Ken were paid to break the Southern California grocery clerk union. How could they? By using their air time to shape public opinion against the clerks with daily diatribes against union pay and benefits. John and Ken were successful. They changed public opinion with their lies and half truths. The strike was broken. Wages and Benefits were cut.

Allowing only one sided pro billionaire views on our public airwaves and monopoly cable networks strikes anyone as unfair. It is. The billionaires know that their pro billionaire views and tax cuts can't compete unless they cheat, so they do. How do you think they got rich in the first place. Conscience is a handicap to getting filthy rich. They have made sure that only one side is ever heard on AM radio and that one set of talking points, theirs, dominates every 24 hour news cycle.

Rush Limbaugh according to his autobiography was plucked from an obscure radio station in Rio Linda near Sacramento California and put on the air in New York City by one of these billionaires. Another billionaire Rupert Murdock used his wealth to create FOXnotNews and its message of middle class destruction.

Now the billionaire boys club is focused on destroying all public unions but particularly teachers' unions. They have created and unleashed through their media conmen a blizzard of propaganda talking points denigrating America's teachers and public schools.

Here is why the NEA and the CTA is in the cross hairs:

If unions are the Democratic Party’s base, then teachers’ unions are the base of the base. The two national teachers’ unions — the American Federation of Teachers and the larger National Education Association — together have more than 4.6 million members. That is roughly a quarter of all the union members in the country. Teachers are the best field troops in local elections. Ten percent of the delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention were teachers’ union members. In the last 30 years, the teachers’ unions have contributed nearly $57.4 million to federal campaigns, an amount that is about 30 percent higher than any single corporation or other union. And they have typically contributed many times more to state and local candidates. About 95 percent of it has gone to Democrats.

This paragraph is from an attack article against public school teachers and unions running in the "liberal" New York Times. Read the rest here:

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