Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Greedy, Union, Thug" OK with North County Times but not ANTI

Our friends at the North County Times on the censor board, aka ACE, ostensibly are supposed to be "even highhandedly" in their removal of posts that violate their "Web comment policy." Of course the censor leanings are anything but fair.

Here is a part of rule 3 of their 'web comment policy": "Comments may not contain misleading information, unconfirmed statement of fact or defamatory statements."

Did you know that calling teachers, "greedy, union thugs" does not violate that rule? However, when we use an accurate describtive term, ANTI, based on our angry friends' philosophy of opposition to public schools, fact based science, sex ed and history, the word ANTI does "violate" the way ACE enforces the rule. Our posts are taken down for that single word. Can we all say double standard? "Even handed?" yeah right.

I guess we should just be glad that we are allowed to post at all on a such an anti union, anti middle class site. The editorial staff has NEVER written any editorial that supported worker safety, worker pay or benefits or pensions. The point of view of North County Times is exclusively the point of view of those who think middle class workers should be seen as expendable parts to be discarded when they ask for more money or benefits. Welcome to the third world.

The following post does not violate the North County Times standards. I know because I pushed the abuse button and pointed out rule 3. The post was not taken down. I monitored for two days. Many other posts were pulled in that time but not this one by "Right-Wing":

Right_wing said on: May 22, 2010, 12:17 am
The district's back IS against the wall, because the greedy union thugs pushed them there. The district has no choice, but do some more bloodletting. As long as the teachers' unions keep soaking the neighborhood tax base, there will be lot more bloodletting. It is so sad that teachers prefer union meetings and walkouts instead of doing their jobs and teaching kids.

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