Sunday, May 23, 2010

Congratulations to Barbara Franklin, new VTA president!

Our angry friends like to blog about union bosses as though some overlords run the Vista Teachers Association. Why they feel the need to so misrepresent how our leadership is chosen, I can only speculate some form of delusional insanity. Why else so angry?

The truth is all our offices are filled by free elections of the membership. Any one can run. Any one can win. Our usual problem is finding enough candidates for all the offices. These jobs are long hours and sometimes extremely stressful.

Thankfully we had two people willing to run for VTA president, Barbara Franklin and Matt Lattuada. Frankly it surprises me that anyone would be willing when our president's name is constantly denigrated on the blogs of the North County Times and sometimes by their editors and opinion "writers."

Recently one of our more angry and hate filled North County bloggers, "Roxy" compared Jan O'Reilly to Adolph Hitler and labeled her, "the Queen of Mean." Roxy then asserted that Jan manipulated parents and teachers, so that she could get more money for herself. How outrageous! Dedicated, hard working, helpful Jan O'Reilly! What is wrong with these people?

Given the nuttiness of the opposition I am really grateful to Barbara and Matt for being willing to step into the breach on behalf of the teachers of VUSD.

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