Monday, May 24, 2010

Don’t Slack, Wear Black for Lower Class Sizes

Our two weeks of gentle persuasion starts today. If you do not have the official T shirt with the yellow slash mark through LARGER CLASS SIZES, then try to find any black blouse or T shirt to wear for the next two weeks. The more black on your clothes the better.

Black is the color of mourning. It is appropriate for showing our concern for the sad fate of student learning if permanent 40 student class sizes are enshrined in our VUSD contract.

Hopefully your site has organized a meeting time and spot in the parking lot before school, so that you can all walk in to school together on your first PAID minute of the seven and a half hour work day. Then at the end of the seven and a half hours of work walking out of the school en masse would be awesome.

Solidarity wins support for the just cause. Why give the district time that they are not paying you for? (I know, I know, there is no way to get it all done otherwise, but try to participate as much as you possibly can.)

Yes, it is incredibly difficult not to go in an hour early to prepare for classes and horribly difficult for our conscientious natures to leave at the end of the seven and half hour day. How can we leave before the classwork is graded? How can we leave before we feel prepared for the next school day? But the more we can stay together the better chance that giant class sizes will not be enshrined in the contract. (Actually, it is not we, it is you. I keep forgetting I am retired.)

Remember this very non confrontational work action lasts only nine days. Five days this week and four days next week due to the Memorial Day break on Monday. Good luck.
Wish I could be there with you.

Question Can we check our email at home? Darn this is hard!

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