Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jane Swanson, Chuck Rabel, Silvia Peters, Roxy, and Tea Party traitors

I received a comment from a person calling herself Jane Swanson regarding my post on Chuck Rabel who is running for mayor of Vista.

The real Jane Swanson seems like a very reasonable person who writes a nice blog here. Since I know of no way a tea party traitor or one of our anti-public education friends could have used her personal profile, I will assume that the person who posted is Jane Swanson.

The Jane Swanson post made two valid points. One she is correct that I am not one hundred per cent certain that the Chuck Rabel supporter who came to my door was Silvia Peters and two my description of that supporter sounded more unkind than I meant it to. But as to her other points that Silvia is not a member of the Vista Tea Party traitors* or is not the blogger Roxy, I am afraid that person posting as Jane Swanson has been mislead.

The wild 'roxy' posts and the the rants of Silvia Peters at school board and DELAC meetings sound too similar for Silvia not to be the infamous blogger, 'roxy'. Silvia as Roxy has posted over and over about the Oceanside Tea Party traitors. She has written on a past blog post at the North County Times that she had to stop writing because she was on the way to the traitors big Oceanside meet up last summer. She found that meeting more important than writing. In numerous other North County Times posts 'roxy' has invited others to attend the tea party traitors gatherings with her. There is no question the North County Times blogger, 'roxy' is a member of the misguided Tea Party traitors.

Interestingly the posts by 'roxy' use the same phrases and wording that Silvia Peters uses. Both 'roxy' and Silvia Peters make the same wild eyed and unfounded allegations against VUSD and its teachers. Therefore I am quite confident that 'roxy' is Silvia, Silvia is 'roxy.' My confidence approaches one hundred percent on this topic. I am not surprised that Silvia wants to run away from her posts as 'roxy' any reasonable person would.

As to my description of the overweight women who came to my door who physically resembled Silvia in hips and hair, I am sorry if it seemed over the top. I was attempting to paint a word picture and was not thinking about its effect.

Obesity runs in my family. My maternal grandmother, my mother and my sister and one of her daughters have been or are morbidly obese. They have fought a terrible losing battle with weight for most of their lives.

I believe the tendency to become addicted to sugar and fats as well as the tendency for the satiety feedback to short circuited are all genetic. It is not a simple matter of will power. It is not the fault of the overweight person. I do make any moral judgment.

As to the frizzy hair on the precinct walker, it looked just like my sister's hair. In fact the precinct walker who I still believe to have been Silvia Peters looked so much like my sister did twenty years ago that was the first thing I noticed. I thought to myself, 'Hey, there is a women across the street who looks a lot like my sister used to. How weird.'

Again I am not one hundred percent sure that the women precinct walker who came to my door was Silvia, she did not identify herself. However, I still feel quite confident it was Silvia, no matter what Silvia is telling the person calling herself Jane Swanson. The women supporting Chuck Rabel for Mayor who came to my door looked like a dead ringer for Silvia to me.

As to Chuck Rabel, he is a tea party traitor. No loyal patriotic American should vote for him or support him in his efforts. He himself brags on his website that he is endorsed by the Oceanside Tea Party traitors. They are the number one endorsement he lists on his site. Number two is the infamous Jim Gibson who has cost VUSD schools tens of millions of dollars as a school board trustee when he prevented our district from building the third high school on the cheap level primary site in 2002. With endorsements like that it is obvious that no loyal Vistan, no thrifty taxpayer and no patriotic Americans should vote Chuck Rabel.

I recommend Judy Ritter for mayor of Vista based on her long and dedicated experience in city government. I have also met her once and talked on the phone with her--both more than ten years ago. She impressed me then as smart and level headed.

*Members of the Tea Party are traitors to America and the American way of life because they do not support our Constitution which is the basis of our democracy and to which all elected officials must swear allegiance. The tea party traitors would like to repeal much of the Bill of Rights and many other amendments. But worse yet they and their representatives running for national office have on numerous occasions threatened armed rebellion against our country.

We have had one civil war in this country. In four short years, we lost more Americans than in any dozen other wars. Civil wars are brutal. We do not need another. Any one advocating a civil war or armed insurrection is a traitor to the United States and should be dealt with as such. We do not need these tea party traitors elected to any office anywhere.

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