Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Boycott Netflix, cancel your subscription today!

Netflix founder Reed Hastings is pouring money into the campaign of Larry Aceves for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Aceves wants to fire more teachers, end seniority, reduce union representation of teachers targeted by admin, and cut back the scope of negotiations and bargaining.

Fact based public education Netflix nemesis, Reed Hastings, wants unlimited charter schools as well. He has poured $400,000 into the campaign of Larry Aceves that we know of.

How much more has Hastings given to Aceves through secret funding of third party "hit man" political organizations remains a mystery. Thanks to the last years Roberts Court's clearly unconstitutional and outrageous decision in Citizens United, we will never know. The Citizens United hit on our democracy allows unlimited amounts of SECRET, ANONYMOUS money to be spent in scurrilous "attack ad" campaigns to rid the rich of any politician who will not dance to the tune they are playing. Read more about the historically outrageous decision of the Robert's Court here: http://blog.sunlightfoundation.com/2010/10/19/citizens-united-before-after-what%E2%80%99s-next/

Aceves clearly is willing to dance to the tune of the filthy rich Reed Hasting. (Why should a single filthy rich person like Hastings have more power to determine a politician's platform in a democracy than you or I?) Aceves has recently changed his reasonable positions during the primary that teachers were hard working "good folks" to his current Netflix position that teachers are scum.

His positions all have changed since the despicable, filthy rich Reed Hastings gave him the 400K campaign contribution. It appears that Aceves is willing to be bought and likes to dance to whatever tune the selfish filthy rich like Hastings want.

Here are Aceves NEW positions since his campaign themes were 'bought' by Netflix founder Reed Hastings. All quotes from today's LATIMES article found here:

(1)"Aceves recently called for curtailing the power of teachers unions and making it easier to fire poorly performing teachers..."

(2) Aceves said, "The law and how the dismissal process is structured needs to be changed at the state level"

(3)"Aceves also criticized traditional seniority protections that result in a "last-hired, first-fired" policy when teachers must be laid off."

(4)"Aceves has been bolstered by support from the Assn. of California School Administrators, which he once headed"

(5)"Aceves has shifted his views on teacher-related matters" since the evil Netflix mogul "Hastings gave him 400K last week."

If you do not think that teachers are scum, then boycott Netflix and write them an email telling them why you are boycotting their product.

Whoops! they have no email address, but they do have a phone number. Here is Netflix customer service number: 1-866-716-0414

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