Thursday, October 21, 2010

Don't vote for Chuck Rabel for Mayor--a potential disaster for Vista

Normally City of Vista elections are out of my purview for this blog, but I saw Peter Murnieks letter to the editor in today's North County Times and I just had to comment. Peter endorsed Chuck Rabel for Vista mayor.

Peter is wrong. I know Peter. I like Peter. But he is easily mislead and often gets his facts wrong which then leads him to get it wrong politically. But more to the point, Chuck Rabel is supported by the most infamous blogger in the history of the North County Times, Roxy! Yes, that Roxy. The one whose posts are famous for all capitalized venom and salacious lies about teachers and VUSD.

Sylvia Peters, aka Roxy, waddled to my front door last weekend with a clipboard doing precinct walking for Chuck Rabel. I did not recognize her when I first saw her out my window. I saw an incredibly obese women with a bad frizzy perm barely able to do a kind of painful looking, rolling, waddling walk towards my neighbor's house. I could tell by the clipboard that she was carrying and marking off names of those she visited that she was a precinct walker.

I felt sorry for this immensely overweight women whose feet seemed so painful that she could hardly walk being assigned to be a door to door precinct walker. I wondered who would make a women in that condition walk a precinct? Couldn't they find a job at a desk or a phone for her?

Then she came to my door. She did not just leave her literature. She rang the bell.

I immediately recognized her. I was polite. She did not seem to know me. I took her literature but I knew whoever she was pushing I was not for. I had never heard of her candidate, Chuck Rabel. But made a mental note to let others know that he has to be a pretty bad candidate in order to motivate a women like Sylvia Peters to go out walking precincts or to walk at all.

I do not know who I will cast my vote for mayor yet, but I can assure you it will NOT be Sylvia's candidate Chuck Rabel.

Sylvia is a proud member of the Vista Tea Party group. For the last several weeks she has stopped posting at the North County Times after leaving posts last summer about her intent to work full time for tea party candidates.

Anything or anyone Sylvia Peters supports must be opposed by any and every right thinking, patriotic American.

I have copied the comments that Sylvia Peters posted after just one article last January in the North County Times. The article was about the recall publicity stunt that was pulled by the Gibson supporters last winter. They ultimately failed to turn in even one signature in favor of recall to the Registrar of Voters. That's right. They turned in zero signatures. But they sure got a whole lot of stories and editorials written for them by the friendly folks at the North County Times.

In Roxy posts below she will make a number of untrue allegations and one that is actually nearly true but out of context. I don't have time or inclination to deal with all her lies and exaggerations except for two.

Here's the nearly true statement made by Roxy: VUSD spends 85% of its general fund on salaries and benefits. Yes, that is close to the truth. The state wide average for the thousand plus school districts in California is 83.3% spent on salaries and benefits.

But why so much on salaries and benefits for teachers, you might ask? Whoa, that's salaries and benefits for ALL personnel in the district from custodian to superintendent not just teachers.

Our salary and benefits money comes from the school district's General Fund because the state legislature bundled the money that way in order to reduce school employee salaries. That's right, our California State Legislature (pushed by Republicans) set up the system so salaries had to come from the same funds as classroom supplies, in order to force a conflict that would ultimately mean lower salaries for all school employees.

In other states, these two very different funds are kept separate. There are no conflicts. Salaries and benefits for employees are a completely distinct funding category in those states from funds for students but not in California.

Roxy also falsely alleges that while the VUSD school district has lost student enrollment in the last decade, it has not lost any teacher positions. Totally bogus. There are hundreds of less teachers in VUSD now than a decade ago. Easily seen on the VUSD website.

Here is a link to the Peter Murnieks' letter in support of Chuck Rabel:

Here is a only a portion of Roxy's rants after a single article in the North County Times. For years she was the most frequent poster of comments after any article about VUSD. I have left in her misspellings and scatological references to our former VTA president, Jan O'Reilly so that you can get the full flavor of Sylvia Peters aka Roxy. I would never vote for anyone she endorses, I hope after reading the comments below you will understand why.

article title and date:

VISTA VUSD could face another recall

Activists start process that could remove three trustees
By STACY BRANDT - | Posted: January 15, 2010 7:20 pm |

Roxy comments:

Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 8:41 pm
Always Right~~ so are you saying that UNION THUGS are PREDATORS? You are probably right if they bully kids the same way they bully their parents.

Congrats to Jill Parvon (sic) for having the courage to recall the three union puppets. Too bad she did not add Herrera's name to it but she is a sitting duck since she is up or reelection in November.

Where and when cam I get a petition to sign?????

Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 8:36 pm
Lisa~~ too bad we cannot recall Jan and Lucky!! (sic)

the Oceanside recall is a completely different and quite distinct from VUSD.

In Oceanside the unions were doing the recall and people showed they had enough and were disgusted with union thugs.

here Vista will have an opportunity to get rid of union thugs.
Roxy said on: January 16, 2010, 9:48 am
Cal ~~ rage against the district? Try saying that over 85% of the budget goes to pay for their SALARIES, BENEFITS and PENSIONS.

For what? Dirty union politics and no education, kids can’t read, can’t write and cannot calculate, add the highest dropout rate in the state.

Herrera says its because of SIATech dropout recovery program, yeah OK. How and where did these students dropout from?

Before 1994 was when the KIDS COULD READ, WRITE and CALCULATE.

See this is the problem with union thugs, they don’t seam to understand kids attend school to LEAN how to READ, WRITE and CALCULATE.

21 Century education came with the village mentality and over 60% dropout rate, illiteracy and racism.
Teachers are more concerned with SOCIAL RE ENGINEERING than education. Brainwashing students, and promulgating their own social political views rather than teaching kids how to READ, WRITE and CALCULATE.

Very said you don’t even know what the term, “WHITE FLIGHT” means.

Very interesting you slam the churches yet these were the same ones who voted for Jaka and Chunka. Are you afraid these same churches have woken up?

Sounds like you have a lot of gas to pass try farting Jan's way...
Roxy said on: January 15, 2010, 11:16 pm
Chunka says the school trustees are in a standoff with the VTA, how hilarious!!!

Wasn’t she the only one who voted not to submit the “RACE TO THE TOP” MEMORANDUM to the state? Or was it JACKA? It doesn’t matter because both said it would be unlikely that the VUSD would support the RACE TO THE TOP proposition.

Gut wrenching decisions? Don’t worry Chunka, Jan has already decided how you all should/will vote.

Lets not forget that in 1994 VUSD was a viable school district since then it has suffered from white flight. Loosing thousands of students. 700 this year and the year I still YOUNG!!!!

While VUSD has LOST THOUSANDS of students NOT a SINGLE TEACHER has been laid off.

1 comment:

Jane Swanson said...

I'm afraid you have a case of mistaken identity here, as well as a very unkind description of a woman whose identity you don't know. The woman you met was not Silvia Peters, and there is very little chance that she is Roxy, either.

Silvia tells me that she doesn't know Chuck Rabel and has been busy remodeling her home. She isn't a precinct walker, and she isn't a member of the Tea Party.

But I say good for the overweight woman who is a precinct walker. Why would you want to discourage anyone from walking because they are overweight? All the more reason to get moving, I'd say.

And why would you be so unkind to someone who was working to inform voters about a candidate? She's doing a service to democracy.

The reason she acted like she didn't know you is probably because she had never met you.

You apparently had a Carly Fiorina moment there, making fun of a woman's hairdo. Silvia does not have a perm, but why would you make fun of anyone's hair?