Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jim Trageser falsely charges VUSD teachers of starting cycle of distrust

According to our ANTI friends teachers in VUSD are greedy thugs interested only in salary, benefits and pensions. They say teachers in VUSD are lousy and do not care that VUSD students do not learn. They also say we have the worst student performances and are the most sanctioned district in the state.

Our ANTI friends are very good at scurrilous charges made to an audience of the uniformed but they really hate facts. They have to hide from facts as facts disrupt their need to hate and demonize others.

In the North County Times Jim Trageser wrote a column in which he falsely accused the VTA of starting the cycle of distrust in our district with the 1994 recall. Trageser is one of our ANTI public education crowd's closest allies and he is factually wrong. The teachers joined an already existing community recall movement MONTHS after it started. The VTA only joined when the three member extremist majority removed life saving curriculum from our sex ed classes and replaced it with a fact light program called Sex Respect which contained racist illustrations and advice like "Pet your dog, not your date."

The split in our district was caused by the take over of our school board by political and religious extremist who hid their true agenda until they were elected. The agenda had nothing to do with helping our VUSD kids get a better education, it had to do with inserting their peculiar, little god version of creationism into our school curriculum, taking out life saving info in sex ed, and refusing millions of dollars of federal government grants that took years of work and tens of thousands of dollars and hours of staff time to apply for.

To get a taste of what to expect if they are successful again in taking over our board I give you Roxy post after the Jim Trageser fact challenged editorial.

First you can read in RED Roxy's wild eyed and unfounded charges, then my factual response in BLUE. As you read what Roxy wrote it might be fun for you to pick out her lies. Hint there are more than ten.
Roxy said on: January 25, 2010, 4:05 pm
con no more ~~look who is raving you appear to be attacking everyone including the writer of the story. In your mind everyone is wrong and rants except you and you union allies.

First the VTA was involved and bankrolled the recall that is what is important. My personal opinion is that VTA was always behind the recall. Who cares at what point you claim the got involved the bottom line is that they WERE INVOLVED and this is all that matters.

Yes it is correct I said, "Then the voters find out that nothing is about the kids but the enrichment of the salaries, benefits and pensions of union thugs."
Just look at VUSD test scores, illiteracy and drop out rates, add the most sanctioned school in the state. What else do you need? Whether VUSD is the highest or lewest (sic) makes little difference the bottom line is that the state is BANKRUPT!!!! How many times do I have to say there is no money?

When schoolteachers, staff and administration consume over 87% of the student ADA there is a serious problem. Where do you think the money is going to come from to pay the UNFUNDED PENSIONS???? Who is going to pay for them? Some places in California have an over 40% unemployment.

Are you PUBLIC EMPLOYEES out of tough with reality?
You all brought this state to bankruptcy.




Welcome to the real world we pay $10,000 yearly for our family medical insurance, plus co pays. We too pay each year more and more and get less and less benefits. Add to this $ 10,000 in insurance college tuition for two kids and I have another one starting high school. All the thousands and I mean thousands of dollars in taxes we pay per month just in taxes…..

If you or your teachers are so pro public education than why are students at VUSD either marginally literate or fully illiterate? Why does VUSD have a 60% dropout rate? Why so many sanctioned schools? Why are the test scores so low?

this recall made possible by Jan is long overdue and I hope it moves forward.

Where do I sign?

My reply to Roxy.
Roxy, the words of Joe Wilson apply to your every post and virtually every word of the particular post preceding this one.

Not one of the many unfounded charges you made in that post can you substantiate.

As usual Roxy, you and your ANTI fact based public education friends cannot do anything but sling baseless, fact less charges, and hyperbole.

Give us one link to unfunded TEACHER pensions for VUSD or the state, or the most sanctioned 'school' in the state. Show us how terrible our drop out rate and literacy rate is compared to other districts. Oh you can't? Of course not. ANTIs only make charges, they never back them up with facts. The only folks you can convince are the three radical right editors who control this newspaper and the sad and pathetic Jim Trageser who does not believe in fact based opinion pieces.

In fact VUSD was named one of only ten MODEL districts in the state for drop out prevention as reported in the NCTimes. But I guess you do not read the articles in this paper only lobby the extremely biased editorial staff--but what else is new about ANTIs. Facts are so frightening to our ANTI friends.

I am still waiting for you to give one URL for any of your many false accusations about the good teachers of this fine district. Notice that I did for the article about VUSD being named a MODEL DISTRICT, but then again I believe in using facts unlike you, Roxy, and your ANTI friends.

Also I am sure that better than 50% of the General Fund goes to employee (janitors, secretaries, teachers, principals, superintendent, bus driver, etc) salaries and benefits in VUSD as it does in every single school district in the state of California. Our state legislature set up the system that way.

Salaries and benefits could be set by the state and paid directly by the state and NOT indirectly through school districts' general funds. That is the system in other states for example Iowa and Missouri. California legislature decreed that salaries come out of the same fund that student supplies come from. Dumb, yes, but that is OUR system in this state.

You of course can neither substantiate the 87% number you throw around NOR more importantly show that whatever the percentage that it is any different than the percentage in Oceanside, Escondido, Fallbrook or any other California school district.

Your phony, unsubstantiated, outrageous, falsehoods might work in the small cohort of ANTIs you belong to but they will not work with the general public or taxpayers.

The only way you folks ever win is to hide your real political agenda and unleash over the top charges at your opponents. Those tactics only work if the electorate is uniformed. But here in VUSD we know what happens when you folks take over. We will not let it happen again. We won't be as naive as we were in 1992.

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